John and claire

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John put the diamond earring in as he left the house and grabbed his denim jacket. He looked in the mirror, he looked as scruffy as ever but it would have to do, maybe Claire could fix him up a bit when he got there.

John strolled towards the large house but stopped dead outside the huge driveway, he knew claire was rich but didn't know she was this loaded! John felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see claire smiling at him. "Hey bender" she whispered "hey" he replied.

They stood outside the door, both of them nervous. "Why am I here again?"

"To meet my parents" John looked at Claire, she was just as nervous as he was. "

Why am I here again?" John repeated.

"Because it will make me happy" john flicked his hair out if his eyes, and looked up at the sky, wishing the evening to begin and end already.

"Bender, please just behave yourself, my parents are a little, a little old-fashioned. They want the best for their little girl".

John looked at claire "sweets, you know they're going to hate me, I'm a criminal, I'm not rich and I don't even own a tie. I am the complete opposite to what they would want you to date, and with that in mind I think we should just go and grab some dinner and the nearest fast food shop"

"John, I know you're nervous but if we just leave they'll think worse of you"

"more than they already do?"

They both took a deep breath as the door opened to reveal a maid

"good evening miss. Standish, Mr. Bender. May I take your coats?" John was shocked, was this a servant? They still had servants? Was that even legal? They took off their coats and gave them to the maid. "Your parents are in the living room" she smiled to claire and turned to john with a look of suspicion.

Claire and john walked slowly to the living room or as john later described it "the fire pits of hell"

"Good evening mother father"

"Um, hi, sir?" John said as he shook Claire's fathers hand. Claire wasn't used to seeing bender nervous, she kind of found amusing.

"Please, sit down. Would you like a drink, John?"

John wasn't used to people calling him by his first name, people always called him by his last names Bender. John remembered he had to answer. He started to say he'd have a beer but when claire threw him a cautious look, he changed it to saying he'd love a soda if they had one.

John was given a glass and he looked confused, hadn't he asked for a soda? Why did he have a glass? He threw a confused look at claire, who just mouthed 'drink it' to him, so he did what he was told and to his surprise he found it was soda but put in a glass. John didn't understand that, why put a can into a glass, it just creates more washing up. 'I guess that doesn't matter when you have servants' he thought.

Another servant came into the room at that moment and announced that dinner was ready.

" Phew, I'm starving, hope it's something good" John said.

Mrs.Standish Looked at John with a blank expression, "we have one of the best cooks in America so I presume that yes he is good, however he does not make French fries so I do not know if in your eyes he is still "good""

John opened his mouth to say something but Claire grabbed his arm. "It will all be over soon enough"

They sat down to dinner, they were lots of knives a forks and he looked up at claire for help, 'copy me' she mouthed. And so he did, through all four courses.

"So, John, what do you want to do when or if you graduate school?" John clenched his fists, he promised claire he wouldn't get angry or talk back, however it was becoming increasingly difficult.

"Um, I don't know yet"

"really? I knew exactly what I wanted to be by the time I was twelve" mr. Said proudly.

"We'll that was extremely lucky, however I must admit I don't know any twelve year olds who want to go into the insurance industry" john replied.

Claire's father turned up his nose, "no I don't suppose you do, where did you say you lived again?"

"I didn't, although I have no idea what that has to do with anything"

"on the contrary, I think it has everything to do with it, if a boy was bought up on a council estate I hardly can presume he would want to grow up and go into a respectable business"

" I live on a council estate"

"and can you name anyone that would want to wear a suit everyday?"

"We'll that depends sir, I know several that wear suits but they don't go to a fancy office, they more go to a dark building and talk about things which should not be talked about"

"Are you too be one of these men?"

"I don't think it matters what I say since you formed your opinion of me within ten seconds of meeting me. So what kind of man does that make you? I know just that anything I say from this point forward will not improve your opinion of me. You know where I met your daughter? In detention. That's right. Now since the dinner is all done, the drinks have been drunk I presume it is high time I left before you call security on me."

John walked out of the room and a minute later the front door slammed. "I can't believe you" Claire spat, before running  after John.

"Bender! Bender come back!" She cried, and she finally caught up with him. "They didn't mean it!" John carried on walking and said " it doesn't matters I don't care what they think of me, I couldn't care less"

John stopped walking and looked up into the starry night sky. "Claire?"


"your parents are assholes"

Claire laughed "try living with them"

John kissed her goodnight and started walking back to his house, he had managed to survive a dinner with the parents, he was wounded but he wasn't dead, does that mean he had won the battle? He thought about all of this until he was on his street and then he thought to himself

'hmm, I don't care, they will always have the image of me screwing their daughter in their minds, I think I win'

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2013 ⏰

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