Chapter 1

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My alarm went off at 5:15am. It's the first day of school. Great. ) I get on a really cute outfit. Black crop top and jeans. I walk downstairs and I get my favorite cereal "Captain Crunch w/ Berries". I walk out of the house, I take my shitty black Ford Focus. I drive to High School and obviously I'm a Freshman. "Im scared for this school year", I thought. Meeting People and New Teachers scare me sometimes. Luckily, my internet friend, Rachel, goes here so I'll be fine. I find Rachel and I'm all in excitement. "What are your classes?" I ask. We look at each others schedules. "WE GOT THE SAME YAY" we both say. We walk to our first period class. We sit next to each other. We were so bored so we went on snapchat. We fangirled over a youtuber and it was funny. We work on our work until we realized that youtuber we fangirled over, are he people that are sitting in front of us. "Holy shit" I whisper.

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