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I'm bleeding out on the floor,
No one cares anymore.

Because I'm unimportant,
I'm a nobody,
Then why do I feel like,
The sea is parting because of me?

They say I'm a beast,
Unfit to live in the least,
They say I'm not a child,
I belong in the wild.

Didn't I deserve a chance?
Wasn't I worth an ounce?
Didn't I deserve to live?
Shouldn't they forgive?

They say I'm not normal,
That they've seen nothing as abnormal,
As me,
A child born in an apocalypse.

I was an apocalypse in it's self,
Not meant to be with you,
You were beauty in it's self,
Through and through.

They say they didn't understand,
How you stood beside me,
How you held my hand,
Shining brightly.

But now you're gone,
It's like they simply waved a wand,
And you were gone,
And I was left all alone.

They asked me how,
I stole your heart,
I had to answer now,
Or they'd tear us apart.

I tried but I didn't know,
They threatened,
But I still didn't know,
So they took you away,

I called,
I screamed,
I cried,
I weeped,
But you still weren't there.

I felt empty,
Robbed of all feeling,
I lost safety,
Since the day you went missing.

So I ran,
As fast as I can,
To find you,
Only you.

You were my goal,
My only hope,
When you left you took a part of my soul,
And left me unwhole.

I searched,
High and low,
I climbed,
Every mountain slope.

You weren't there,
Neither here,
Nor there.

I wandered ,
Until I stumbled,
Upon an old house.

I sneaked in,
After travelling for so long,
Until I saw you,
A face I had missed for so long.

You lay there,
With a smile on your face,
As I you had no care,
In the world.

I approached you,

Until I properly saw your face,
You were gone,
For real,
But make no mistake,
I will take my revenge.

I was the apocalypse,
And they would suffer.

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