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I placed down the marker, as I finished drawing Nathan's silhouette on my wall. He had previously drawn mine, we were so happy, we knew mom was going to get mad, but we didnt care. We went running downstairs into the frontyard. "Nathan! Wait!" I laughed as my friend ran in front of me. We were 6 years old both. We would always play on evenings after lunch. He would come over to my frontyard and we would play many kinds of games. "Catch the ball!" He yelled, throwing me the ball. I covered with my hands, since i wasnt prepared to catch the ball. The ball bounced away to the street. When Nathan went to retrieve the ball, he didnt saw a car was coming.

Today is his 6th death anniversary. Everyday, on evenings, I sit on the swing on my frontyard. Swinging back and forth. Humming songs. So the pain could fade away. It would never do so. Sometimes i would cry, other days I didnt go out. That day i went back to sleep, I didn't want to think, I just wanted to rest.

Something woke me up. A strange noise. Someone was moving me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw this black figure moving me. Something like, a living shadow. It didnt have a face, it just had a big smile. From it's silhouette, it had a shirt, pants, shoes and messy hair..... Nathan...?

I wondered.. "Nathan...?" I say frightened. He grabs my hand and shakes it, with that big smile of his. He pulls me to the door. As I went out, i could see that Nathan's silouhette wasn't in the wall anymore. What is happening?

He pulled me outside to the front yard. I looked to the sky, and I see the sun is up bright in the sky. It must be around 1:30 pm. It was past lunch time. Nathan... Or Nathan's silhouette touched me. I look down and he stares at me with a smile, tilts his head and then runs away. I follow him.

He takes a ball and throws it at me. When did that ball got there? He now changes his smile into a grin. I look down at the ball, knowing what I had to do. I grinned and threw the ball at him. He dodged, took the ball and threw it back at me. It hit me and I fell and laughed.

I noticed now, I had a dress. A white dress. I noticed instantly which dress this was. It was the dress i was wearing that day. The day... Nathan...

"Maya!" He yelled. I startled. He stuck his tongue out. Something inside me told me I needed to chase him now. I stood upand sprinted to chase him. He started laughing and running. I joined him laughing, this was fun. Like old times.

I was always faster than him so I cached up quickly and jumped into his back. He grabbed me and kept running in circles, and zig-zags, and just randomly all over the backyard. I was having so much fun with.. Nathan...

We kept playing all evening until we dropped exhausted into the grass.. Panting.. Sweating... Dirty... Just like every day at this hour. I giggled. He hadnt say much. He just laughed and said 'Maya' at that time. He remembers me.

He kicked the ball to the street.. The ball bounced. And a car came... The car that.. I saw nathan's silouette running after the ball. I shouted "No!" And he stopped. Right before the street. He looked back and smiled. The car stopped right in front of nathan. Nathan got into the car, waved goodbye and left wherever the driver of that car was taking him. I panted heavily thinking... I lost him again.

I woke up panting, harder than i ever had before. I turned on the light and looked at my wall. Nathan's silhouette was still there. I walked to the wall. I touched Nathan's silhouette, from his head to his feet, I crouched down and started crying. Sobbed and sobbed.

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