I have lost one

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Strolling down the paved pathway with my fingers tightly clasped around my little sister's wrist, I breathed in the fresh air and allowed the soothing wind to determine my route. The serene park was quiet as the sun was just rising, its' ray of light peeping through the clouds. The plants in the garden glistered with dewdrops and seemed as if they were bathing in the early morning sun.
My sister and I decided to stop for a little while and sat on the one of the beautifully painted blue benches.

It was indeed a beautiful park. The park was a kaleidoscope of colours as pink, yellow and red flowers dance gracefully in the breeze. I let my mind rest when suddenly a figure of a homosapien caught my attention. It was a young woman. A very young woman. She was wearing a grey blouse with slacks. Her hair was hidden under her cream scarf. The young woman looked as fragile as glass. She looked as if she could break any moment from now. I could feel tears starting to form at the back of my eye. That young woman reminded me the day that I learnt that it did hurt when the person you love with all your heart vanished from your sight, in a blink of an eye.

We were bestfriends and we enjoyed each others'comoany. She was the one that always lent her shoulder for me to cry on when I was sad. She was always there to tickle me with her endless jokes. To put it simply, I was the apple of her eye. I just love her so much and only He knows how I cannot live without her by my side.

Life is indeed unpredictable. At first, the sun looked like a huge ball of fire. Then suddenly, there were alternate bands of black, grey and white on the sky. I just reached the hostel when suddenly the handphone rang. It must be mum, I grabbed the phone.
"Hello mum!" I said.
My mum's wavering tone alarmed me slightly. Kakak had been rushed to the ICU. I was shocked. This just could not be happening.
"Take good care of yourself", saod mum succintly.
I put the handphone down and whispered my prayer for my lovely sister. I hoped Kakak could be alright. I knew she would.

I could not sleep that night, especially when the most important person in my life is battling for her life. The alarm woke me up the next morning. I was just about to rake a shower when suddenly the handphone rang.
"Hello Ana!", the voice began.
Instantenously I sensed what was coming.
"Kakak is no longer with us", Abang said sadly. His voice shook as he spoke, I went weak at the knees. I had lost my bestfriend, my heartbeat. I had lost my lovely sister.

Never in the sixteen years of my life's history it ever crosed my mind that one day I would be sending one of my dearest loving sister to the grave, as I did that evening. Death will ultimately pounce on all of us, sooner or later, unannounced. Who were we to dictate the cycle of life? No one! I had let Kakak to go albeit with a laden heart.

I still remember her words, 'the only armour that we had been given to survive in this life is our heart'.
Streams of tears rolled down my cheek. I felt lost and helpless. Suddenly, I fekt a hand lie on my shoulder. I lifted up my gaze and was shocked to see my sister by my side.
"Do not cry, Ana. I may have gone but I will always be in your heart. Put your hand on your heart, feel the heart beating, there is where I am staying".

My day dream broke into pieces when that young woman laid her hand on my shoulder. She asked me why I was crying and symphatized with me after I had explained everything. Then, we said our goodbye and went our separate ways.

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