Untitled Story Part

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"Don't do it." I hear myself say in my mind. I try pushing my conscious aside as I see the man trying to limp away, scared of the man in front of him. "Please don't do it. You're better than this. Forgive him for what he had done." The voice says softly but I keep shutting it out. "Plea-" I take a deep breath and exhaled slowly, hearing silence within myself and the old man breathing heavily. I look down at him. "You know what you did... To my girlfriend. I can't forgive you, even if she had. I may not be better for this...but I sure as hell will feel better from it." I slowly took out my knife and came closer. "You ruined her life. Now its my turn to repay the favor." I close the door and all you heard was scuffled movement and failed screams.

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