Up & At 'Em

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  • Dedicated to Christina Gresham(: for introducing me to WattPad(:

I had a choice to make. Get out of my warm, comfy, loving bed and go out with friends, away from my mom's office, or drag my feet just a little longer, and end up at work with her? With the feeling of protection of my heavy black comforter laying on top of me, the decision was apt to be slightly biased. What I wouldn't give for my mother to work nine to five instead of her ungodly hours.

"Up. Now." My mother's voice interrupted my trance for the fourth time this morning. I always managed to be ready between the fourth and fifth time she was in here, so why couldn't she just wait and let me sleep without interruptions until 6:45? Sometimes I questioned her mysterious methods, but she was, after all, my mom, and I wouldn't trade her for anything.

I tossed my feet over the edge of the bed, groaning. I hadn't had the slightest bit of covers on, but moving made it feel like I'd just been unburied from a pile of warm cotton blankets. The chill of the air rushing over my skin hit me, and I shivered. I forced myself to make my feet meet the hardwood flooring, and my day began.

Clothes, all in place correctly and matching. I looked at my washed out jeans and tank top. Check. Teeth brushed, hair combed and parted. M eyes flew to my dark wavy locks, and my slightly stained teeth. I made a mental note to cut down on the tea, and put another mental check mark on my list. Shoes, socks, cell phone, money, and all my other useless junk that wouldn't be necessary but I always checked for anyways. Check, check, check, check, and check.

"Okay," I said to myself, "Ready to start your day." I didn't know why, but saying something like that in the mornings always gave me that little boost of confidence that helps get me through the day. I glanced at the clock. 6:59. What did I say? ALWAYS ready before 7.

I came down the stairs, tumbling most of the way. I was such a klutz; I'd have to work on that before school started back this fall.

"Oh my. The dead has arisen," my mom said in an unbearably cheerful mood. She was such a morning person, and it was such a shame. The fun things don't happen at 4:30 in the morning, when her alarm clock goes off. Nope, those things were saved for the mystery and curiosity of the night. I wasn't much of a party girl, but I still had more fun at night.

My mother and I got in the car without another word. She took me to Cindy's, and hugged me goodbye at the door. I turned away from her and walked up the front steps expecting a normal day with the usual kids, but today.... Today I was in for a surprise.


So, questions, comments, concerns, critiques or other random jumbles of words so far? I'm kinda new to the whole write-something-then-share-it thing, since I'm an only kid I'm usually kinda kept-to-myself. And yes, I do have a thing for --'s(: haha(: I appreciate any and all feedback, especially the harsh stuff. Cause let's face it, the truth, can and sometimes will hurt. I'm a big girl, I'll suck it up and get over it(: What doesn't kill me makes me strongerr! And I have a feeling my writing needs all the help it can get....(: Comment and maybe possibly fan? Not even asking for a vote..... Yet(: love you guys!


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