~Write three concepts given in the passage.
~Give three reasons why the boy chased the dog into the bloody woods.
~Who's fault was it that the dog tried to run?
~Illustrate a conclusion of what happened.Thump* My butt hit the chair and my bag slide off my shoulder, down my arm and hit ground like a snake.
Faq it. The classroom fills with "other" beings as I copy down the notes. Yes I have friends, but you can still call me a loner. Because I am one, I have no admirer. In my book, that means a big fat L for loser and loner.
"All right class. You better have this copied down," shouts our English lit teacher. There are so many bets on how many years old she is. Oh well, I put my chin on my palm and finish my copying and... I fall asleep.
"Ow!" I half shout half whisper. Some ass pushed my arm and my head fell. Like what the hell. I look up and turn around, slapping myself with my hair. I cursed that "ass" a little to early.
No faqing way... That "ass" was the smartass of the school and the unknown hero of our school. Damn that face, something about that boy.