Chapter 1

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What's wrong with you?

I don't know, I am getting a weird feeling.

Like what?

Just keep your eyes open for danger, Ellie.

With that being said, my wolf cut off all connection with me and blocked me out. I swing my feet on the branch I've been sitting on for the past 3 hours while leaning my back against the tree, I came up here to relax after training with the other pack warriors. The sun has just gone down and our alpha doesn't like it when we are out after dark because of the rogue scents that's been found lately.

Me, being me, I go against his wishes because the Alpha is my brother Timothy. He recently just got his alpha position since my dad stepped down last year, and he's still adjusting to having such a big responsibility. Ever since he told me about the rogue scents, me and my wolf have been on high alert about unfamiliar things around the pack grounds. My back starts aching, so I jump down from the branch and begin walking my way out of the woods.

'ELLIE WHERE ARE YOU?' my brother's yelled his voice popping into my head through the mind link.

'I am walking through the woods heading to the house why?' I said.
'The alpha of the Shadow Knights pack is coming to take our land and I am not going to let him. I need you to be here at the pack house when he comes since you are one of our top warriors.' He says with an edge to his voice.

'Okay, I am on my way right now.' I say, my light jog moved into a full on run. No one has seen what the Alpha of the Shadow Knights pack looked like, and the one's who have been lucky enough are dead. He wipes out packs without a second glance and he takes innocent pack lands to expand his own. Using my werewolf speed, I zoomed through the trees and jumped over fallen logs. I made it to the pack house and opened the door and I walk into the room. Sitting on the couch was his Beta Mason and our cousin David who is one of our best warriors, I gave them both a nod. I walked up to my brother and put my hands on his shoulders to keep him from pacing.

"Tim, you need to relax. Everything will be fine, We will talk him out of it somehow." I said. I know I need to be strong for him, I am his only support since our parents have decided to go traveling around the world since they've stepped down. "You don't know that Ellie." He says angrily, pushing my hands off his shoulders." You're right, I don't. But its not hard to be optimistic." He doesn't say anything and looks away angrily while walking over to the window. "When did you hear from him?" I ask.

"His beta called us thirty minutes ago saying they will be here in two hours." Mason says, answering for his alpha. "Okay, well we have two hours so I need you to get 2 of our other top warriors here so we all can figure out a plan together." I say, with a command in my voice, Being the daughter and sister of alphas come in handy sometimes. He simply nods, and his eyes glaze over. Which means, he is mind linking the other warriors. We all sit in silence for a few minutes till the other two get here, when they finally do my brother starts telling everyone the plan.

"I need all of you guys ready and alert if anything happens, when patrol lets me know they are at pack lines we're going to run there. We are not going down without a fight." My brother says. My hearts swells with pride, He's dedicated to our pack after only a year. We all nod as he keeps talking, but after awhile my mind starts drifting and all these thoughts pop into my head.
'Are we really going to lose our pack after generations of my family having it?'
'What if one of us gets hurt when we go to meet them?'
'Why are they doing this all of us a sudden?'

My brothers voice interrupts my thoughts when he says "I don't know, I'm guessing he wants more land." I must have voiced my thoughts out loud by accident. I nod and looked down embarrassed, Mason lets out a loud laugh realizing what I did. I shoot glare at him but all he does is wink. Mason is my brothers best friend but more like a brother to me, we practically grew up together. I look away and look at Will, one of our top warriors, as he asks my brother something.

"Why do they need our land? Doesn't he already have enough, That's not fair at all." Will says angrily. I agree with him, my family has worked hard for this land and our pack to be what it is today. Everyone nods except my brother who thinks about it. "I don't know, but what I do know is I'll die trying before he takes our land from me." Tim says. "Matter of fact I will-" The sentence abruptly stops as his eyes glaze over and I knew at that moment that they were here.


We started walking through the woods, the only sound heard was the leaves crunching under our boots and crickets chirping. As we start to get closer to the pack line, my wolf starts getting alert but excited. I start looking around for danger as I walk but seem not find any.
'What's wrong?' I ask her for the second time that day. She ignores me and if possible sinks, deeper into me as if looking for something. I continue walking making sure dangers not near us, and all of a sudden unfamiliar scents flow through my nose. But one caught my attention the most, it smelled like spicy cinnamon with pine. It took my breath away and Mason must have noticed the change in my heart beat because he looked at me questionably. I just shook my head and looked forward, not thinking about anything until he mind linked me.

'Are you okay?'

'Yeah, just lost my breath for a second. My wolf is very uneasy right now and I have no clue why.'

'It's probably because we are going to see these monsters.'

'Yeah you're right' I say even though I know that's not the reason. I end our mind link. Mason looks at me before putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him. I put my arm around his waist and lean my head on his shoulder while we walk, I close my eyes feeling content. After a few minutes, I see the Shadow knights pack. They're backs are to us and it looks like they are in a deep discussion, I see the patrols from my pack and they look frustrated and bored.

My brother clears his throat and when they start to turn around, I look down not wanting to look in their eyes. I know, I am a warrior but just being around them puts me at unease. That scent from earlier comes back to me and I start to find it hard to not let my knees buckle from under me. As my brother starts to talk to the alpha, I wait for him to speak. When he does, I find it hard to breathe. His voice sounds silky and smooth, like pure seduction. Its deep and you can feel the roughness in it and it makes my wolf start to go crazy.

'He's our mate!!' She starts to yell in my head.
'There is no way he's our mate-' I start to say but she cuts me off.
'He's our mate, His wolf is calling out to me!.'
​I go to reply to her when a loud angry snarl snaps through the air, every single one of us tense up.

"I am trying to have a civil conversation with you for once but it seems as one of your pack members could care less." His voice comes out smooth and silky even though he's angry. I knew automatically he's talking about me but I refuse to look up. The guys look around and realize it's me, and I still don't look it up. Mason nudges me hard in my rib but ignore him and the pain. I hear loud footsteps until they stop a few feet away from me, and that's when I realize that his scent is the one that was making my wolf go crazy. "Look at me" he says. I keep my head down, and ignore him.

The next time he says it, I can tell his wolf is close to taking over from the lack of respect. "Look at me, NOW." He growls and I hear the command in his words so I am forced to look up. When I do, my eyes connect with a pair of hazel eyes getting darker by the second. I take the time to check him out my eyes trailing over his sun-kissed tan skin, high cheekbones, full pink lips and a strong jawline. My eyes go back to connect with his and I come to realize that this is my mate. His eyes trail over me, taking in my five foot six height. I didn't care about what I wore today so I was wearing a black v-neck with black jeans and black hiking boots. His eyes stop on the arm around my shoulder and growls "MINE" It was so loud that I swear the ground shook.

Next thing I know, I am pulled into a muscular chest with arms wrapped around my waist. I try to pull away but he snarls and holds me tighter. I look up at him and he stares me down with angry eyes. "Now that I found you, little mate, you're not going anywhere. You are mine."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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