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Here I was staring into these gorgeous pools of green freaking the flip out. As I feel two grips around my wrists getting a tad tighter. I let my eyes wander freely around his face noticing his soft features. I can't help notice how close we are. I mean it doesn't change the fact that I want to so badly punch his face black and blue.

Even though he could easily hold you back?.

Maybe I should just listen to my inner voice it seems to always know better than I think it does.

You also may be wondering, why would you like to puch his face black and blue when you clearly fancy him? Well, sorry to break the news to you but... I don't and never will and it's all because I couldn't keep my stupid urge to snoop around and know what everyone is doing. Thats how I ended up here about to fall to my death and the only hope of surviving is to put my own life in the hands of the towns bad boy.

Ugh my whole life is such a cliché I mean really the towns 'bad boy'.

I can't help agree with her I mean so much things have occurred over the past few days that I still can't believe and I was there!. Thats how weird, unbelievable and cliché my life has been all because of him. Connor freaking Jamerson ugh.

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