• Chapter 1: Welcome to my life.

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"Helen! Don't forget to wash the dishes and clean the house! We'll be back at 9" My step mother ordered as she exited the house. I just sighed at the realization that I will have four hours to be home alone, without screams, yells and kids annoying me running around and making trouble. Urh, how much I hated this life, since the day my dad passed away, my life became a nightmare. I was left alone with my step mother and her three children, Tom, Robert and Monika.

I turned on the radio hoping for some good powerful music; this was something rare to do as the witch always wanted the kind of calm music that has no meaning.

I decided to start with the cleanings and leave the washing for later, actually, the house wasn't that messy, just untidy beds, games there and here and food everywhere. I tried to do it quickly so I'll have time to relax for later.

Two hours left for the weird creatures to come, or should I call them 'Monsters'? Am I supposed to love them? How could I when all I receive is glares and orders? Last dress she bought me was two months ago. I was so thankful that I had the right for going to school.

I grabbed my PC and logged in Facebook first, yeah, too good she didn't take my Laptop away, it was another thing to be thankful for.

"Shopping tomorrow?" Kristen sent me a message, Kristen was my best friend. She helped me going through a lot, so I wasn't alone. I looked at her message deeply thinking if I could go. Ugh, it's not like a Math's question anyway.

"If the witch lets me!" I answered praying that I'll have my freedom the next day. Even though I was seventeen, she didn't let me go out and live as I want, always have limits. When I was fifteen, my dad used to let me go, to treat me fairly as all girls in my age were treated. Now, it was like I didn't belong to earth anymore.

"I'll sneak you out as usual ;)" She replied, sneaking out was my habit, I never failed, but mostly ended up by a hurt leg or nearly a broken arm, I mean like I always jumps off my window , I climb down the drain pipe and finally risk the fall on the grass, while my friends waited in the back garden. But that wasn't for shopping, just chilling around. Shopping had to be a bit earlier since it always happened late at night.

"We'll try!" I typed.

Next, I found myself scrolling down on Tumblr as a picture of the perfect New York City showed up. N.Y, my dream city, I wished someday I could visit it. Despite my dark present, I've always dreamed of a bright future. But I was running toward my dreams, tripped over reality and hit my head on the truth, locked in Megan's house forever taking care of her stupid children.

*Ding Ding*

The bell rang sending shiver all over my body, she was there, and my freedom was over.

I shut the piece that was on my lap close and rushed to the door faking a warm smile and a squeal as I was truly happy for them to come back. I hated pretending.

They entered ignoring me, holding packs of expensive clothes. I've always wandered from where she's got all the money. She had no work, she was still using my dad's fortune. My dad had companies, his money was all under Megan's hands. Not fair, she didn't deserve it. I even wondered how dad liked her. Compared to mum, nor personality neither beauty, mum was million miles far more beautiful, more generous, funnier, more caring... No matter how many words I'd choose to describe her, it will never be enough. The world itself won't find the right words to do it. I love her too much.

"Hay, are you crying?" Monika asked patting my leg, she was so tiny. Moni, it's like she wasn't the witch's daughter, she was so cute.

"No sweetheart, just something got in my eyes! Now show me what you bought" I wiped the tears laughing and bent over. She smiled showing off her lovely dimples then grabbed my hand dragging me up stair to her room.

She took her packs pulling a flawless dress putting it on her tiny body and spun around. The memory flashed in my thoughts as I was a little girl, being out with mum and dad filling all the shops so I could find the perfect dress. No matter how expensive it could be, dad would always buy it to me if it would make me happy.

"And this one is my favorite" She showed her final dress, pulling me off my trance. Moni looked so nice and innocent, in the other hand, her mum looked terribly ugly with an evil-like attitude.

"HELEN! WHERE ARE MY PANTS?" And here she is explaining why I just said that, wanting me to find her stupid pants so she won't move her fat big ass and grab it from the closet.

Well, welcome to my life.

Freedom, freedom, come to me darling... I sang


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