Request and Table of Contents

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Leave me your request in a comment or message! I'll be getting around to them. This is also the table of contents since this is ideally going to be short stories (even tho they haven't been very short so far, we'll see)


Lets Make a Movie

Warnings: Graphic sexual content, strong language, incest & mild exhibitionism. 

Summary: The boys end up signing up for a very different kind of film then they had intended to. Hint: It's definitely not an after school special.

Lean On

Warnings:  Nudity, strong language & incest

Summary: If you need twins being so affectionate that your teeth rot out, then this is the story for you. Pure fluff.

Tell Me Something Good

Warnings: Graphic sexual content, strong language, & incest

Summary: A month after the events of 'Lets Make a Movie' there are words yet to be said.  Larry becomes familiar with his demons.

The Cloud of Unknowing

Warnings: underaged drinking, mild violence

Summary: Upon reconnecting after the separation, Larry is struggling to find his place among their peers. Poor decisions are made but Laurent is always there to pick up the pieces.

You're meant for Me

Warnings: Graphic sexual content, incest

Summary: Larry becomes exceptionally possessive of Laurent

Fly Handywork: Stimulation Pre-Dicked

Warnings: Graphic sexual content, Incest, Annoying Laurent

Summary:  25 pages of foreplay.

LarryxLaurent Requests (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now