Author's Note

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To my dearest followers,

          As I stated in a post on my blog, I apologize profusely for promising a much better rewritten version of "True Submission". Although this was promised nearly a year ago, I still will keep true to my promise. I've been quite busy, and I apologize for keeping you all waiting. College is tiresome. 

          I've reread my whole book, as well as the comments. I honestly cringe rereading my book now and how horribly it was written, and I apologize for that as well. As for the comments, I've listened to my readers and I've decided to correct things--age to name one--and hope I can only make it better now. 

          I will be, hopefully, putting out a new chapter every week or two, so please be patient. Real life matters are first to me, and I apologize for that as well. 

          With much love from my heart, 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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