A/N: Formerly titled "How I Died" (which was always a working title) The new title is not permanent, but definitely an option for permanence.
A/N 2: This is a sample of a book I'm working on. I'm submitting it to the writing contest, so please vote if you like it. Or maybe you don't like it, but you can still vote ;)
Hope you enjoy...
This is a story about death.
It is not a story about life. Or faith. Or about love conquering all. Because sometimes it doesn't. Scratch that, it never does. Because love does not conquer death. Death is inevitable for all of us, and even if there is some sort of after-life or heaven, that doesn't guarantee that love goes on. That doesn't quell the pain brought on by one's death.
As you may have surmised, this is also not a story of hope. Shit happens. Fate gets you. You can run, you can fight it, but it doesn't matter. There are things in this world that are bigger than you, that are bigger than all of us. In the end, in the long run, none of us matter. Not really.
With the exception of two of us.
And honestly, only one is the real exception.
This is a story about death.
This is the story of how I died.
'Here we go.'
I never imagined how I would die. Why would I? I'm barely even nineteen. And as we all know, teenagers always think they're invincible.
As I walked down the hall, I thought about what I was about to do. I had to be sure about this. Because if I wasn't, I would screw it all up.
'Damn this hallway is long.'
I counted down the numbers on the door. 31, 30, 29, 28. As I approached apartment number 27, I retrieved the small pouch from my coat pocket. I kneeled down and took out my lock pick tools. I'd practiced so much over the past few days, knowing that I might have only a limited amount of time to complete the task. Relief washed over me when I heard the lock click almost immediately. I quietly shuffled inside and checked my watch. 4:53 AM. He wouldn't wake up for another seven minutes.
'Time to eat.'
I scavenged the cupboards, searching for something both edible and ready-to-eat. I wasn't much of a cook. I found a box of pop tarts and took out a packet of two. I didn't even bother putting them in the toaster, I just started eating.
When I finished, I checked my watch again. 4:58 AM.
It's time.
I made my way to the bedroom and easily found the alarm clock. I turned it off. Alarms are so annoying anyway. I was really doing him a favor. When the clock striked 5:00, I began making noise. I opened and closed drawers, I examined books before slamming them back down, I stepped loudly.
Finally I heard him begin to stir. I didn't turn towards him though. It's imperative that I keep up a certain wry confidence. Instead, I acted like the book I m holding is the most interesting thing I've ever seen. Seconds later, I could tell that he is fully awake now. A few more seconds, and I know that he's finally noticed me.
"Who are you?!" He didn't scream it so much as raise his voice a bit.
Without turning, I answered him. "My name is Hailey. And your name is Ian." I placed the book down, then turned to face him. "And now that we ve completed the introductions, you need to get dressed. It's time to go.