We were supposed to be doing the all around the world tour but something happend. While we were in detroit something unexpected, ridiculous,crazy and straight psycho. Something we never thought would ever happen they were was supposed to protect love and adore us not hurt us. it's been three years since and no-one knows where we are we have no contact to the world but this dairy they gave to each of us. Well, this is the story of how Mindless Behavior got Kidnapped by three teenage girls.
Every teenage girls dream is to meet the boyband , idols, inspirations or just plain ole celebrity crushes of theirs the ones they can only dream of getting married too, falling hopelessly in love , or just to meet. But, these girls they are different they want something else...and their going too get it either way even if they have too do unspeakable, crazy, psycho and just ridiculous stuff.But lets just find out the story of how 'Mindless Behavior' got Girlnapped by three teenage girls.copyright - faith parker of detroit michigan no stealing it's called plagiarism and you can go to jail for this.
(Sorry i thought the intro didn't sound right so i added to it so comment if you like the story and please vote for me thanks loves.
Wrote this when i was thirteen came a long way excuse grammar and silly mistakes trying to finish this for you guys. ) faye