Wedding Anniversary

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"Where are we even going?" I asked in frustration. We had been driving for hours and had yet to actually do something for our anniversary.

I was starting to get hungry and by the looks of it, there was a very little chance we'd run into a store for now.

"We've only been driving for less than two hours." Darius stated.

"Well this is no fun." I muttered.

We passed a billboard sign which made me smile.

"You know what would make a real great anniversary gift?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

Darius sent me a weird look before looking forward again.

"What would that be?"

"Oh, you know... A puppy. Preferably a husky." I muttered the last part.

Darius laughed as he shook his head. I hadn't gotten a clue as to why he was laughing, was there something on my face?

"You know that Adrian is allergic, I told you this remember?" He reminded me as I pouted.

Stupid Adrian and his stupid allergies. Why couldn't he be allergic to something else like spinach? Then I wouldn't have to watch Darius eat it all the time.

But no, he just had to be allergic to dogs. I wonder if I can get a hairless one? I mean, he's allergic to dog fur really, not the actual dog itself.

"What about a hairless dog?" I asked persuasively. Although a hairless dog kind of sounded weird.

"Why would you want a hairless dog?" He asked me giving me a look as if I grew two heads.

"You're right. That would almost remind me of a naked mole rat." I shuddered in disgust.

What kind of rat had no fur?

My stomach growled taking me out of my thoughts. I groaned in annoyance.

"Are we there yet?" I asked, tilting my head back to rest.

"A few more minutes." He said keeping his eyes on the road.

While he wasn't looking, I sent him a bitter look and stuck out my tongue.

A few more minutes, I scoffed at his words.
Mentally of course.

It had been quite over half an hour and I was beginning to wonder if Darius was taking me across the world.

Were we still even in Melbourne?

All of a sudden the car came to a slow stop and for a second I had thought we finally reached. That was until I took a look out the window and saw no civilization.

Nothing but nature.

"What happened?" I asked Darius with a concerned look.

Are we taking a break?

"I don't know. The car just stopped." He said, hopping out of the car he checked the hood.

"The gas tank is full." I noted. So why on earth did the car stop?

Exiting out of the car, I turned to Darius who had his head in his phone, cursing loudly.

"Dairy... You alright?"

"The car broke down and Jesse won't answer his phone." He replied running his hands through his hair.

I bit my lower lip in thought. This was bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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