Chapter 1:The first day of the rest of my life

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Liam's Pov

I stumble to class as I struggle to hold my books up. "Damn you no book bag policies!!!" I scream as I am late to first period. "IM HERE IM HERE" I scream opening the classroom door. Professor Alcai... She hates my guts! And now I have her. She glares at me as she sits down at her desk. She takes out a piece of paper and writes 'you're late'. As I slowly want to trip her from my chair I notice that Kym aka one of my best friends is smirking. As I swish my finger in the air her shoelaces get tied in between each other. I look back at Professor Alcai and she glares at me. I get pissed because I didn't even do anything. As I sit in this boring ass class I can see someone use a magic circle. I turn around and see Kai trying to summon some food. "You bitch!" I whisper as Kai still conjures the food. "Where's mine?!" I whisper to him. He looks at me and then chuckles. "This pizza is mine kid summon your own." Kai says as he laughs and eats the pizza. I glare at him. "Since he won't share his food make it takes like onions, feet and things that shouldn't be food!" I say that weak incantation and Kai's face turns sour. Wow that incantation really is bad. I need a class for that. The bell soon rings and everyone begins to pack their stuff. "And don't forget the homework on what we learned in class today!" Professor Alacai says as she hands everyone a rubric. I sadly take one and I could have sworn I heard her say something like you're gonna fail my class but it's probably a coincidence. As I try to walk to my locker for my broom riding class clothes a boy walks next to me. "Are you Liam?" He asked me. "Uh... Yeah..?" I said shyly. He got really close to me. "Uh..." I was so confused on what was happening. "I'm Jessie. The new kid." He began to back up and pulled out a Sikkman potion(Basically modern day vodka). "D-Dude! You're not supposed to have that!" Jessie looked to me and then scoffed. "You ain't gonna tell anyone are ya?" He said as he began to drink it. "What's in it for me?" I said in need of some money. "Hmmm... I won't break your heart." Jessie said smirking. "You can't! I break up with people not the other way around!" I said confidently. Jessie just laughed. He soon turned towards me and got really close. He began to go closer and closer to my face. He soon bit his lip and then began to kiss mine. I didn't know what to do so I kissed back but Jessie pulled back from the kiss. "I want mo-" I stopped in my tracks noticing what I was about to say. Oh my.. I can't be falling for him right? I think it's just me wanting to kiss people right? Jessie smiled and said "See you want more right? Yeah well I guess I can roll with you since all these girls are chasing after me." I laugh my ass off. "What girls kid?" I say in between laughs. Jessie spins his finger in a circle and says viola! A flood of people came rushing down boys,girls,teachers. Jessie walks up to me and kisses me. The flood of people start booing and saying things like 'DONT BE WITH HIM BE WITH ME!!' And 'FUCK ME JESSIE!' Jessie grabs my ass as we still are kissing. "Not too hard ba-" FUCK THERE IT GOES AGAIN! Ok Liam rule #1 don't fall for him. Rule #2 Obey hi- I mean... Stay true to yourself.. Fuck this isn't gonna end nicely.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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