Chapter 1

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Here I was, sitting silently at the bus stop not even near prepared for the first day back at school.
I have been dreading this moment since I walked outside those school gates a few months ago, I can already tell this is going to be the worst day ever.

After waiting for about an hour the bus finally arrives, I knew I shouldn't of left early or I could've just walked but mum was really getting on my nerves and I just needed to get out of the house.
I hop on the bus sitting at the very back, to avoid awkward strangers sitting near me and trying to make conversation cause im really not in the mood for that, I never am if you think about it though.
I prefer to keep to myself and thats one of the reasons I really struggle at school when it comes to actually having a social life, which I dont have.


I started seeing my school in the distance so I put my headphones away and stood up, slowly making my way to the door holding onto the swinging things that hang from the top of the roof.
The bus stops and the doors open so I jump out and just stand there for a little bit once the bus drives away to just prepare myself for what im about to walk into.

As im walking through the corridors people are already throwing bits of scrunched up paper and jumping on eachother like its been forever since they last saw eachother, obviously I think it really stupid but atleast they have friends.

My first and second class is Math which I absolutley hate because I am really bad at it and I dont plan on improving so I just sit there the whole time doodling on my hand or my book but atleast I have a good view cause Jason Campbell sits in the row next to me but one seat forword, I smile at the fact that i'll get to see him but then it slowly fades as I remember that I have no chance with him, no chance with anyone for that matter because I am a nobody and he is the popular jock that every girl in the entire school has a crush on so the chance of him even speaking to me would be like natural snow falling in Australia, which is here, where I live by the way.

The bell rings and I make my way to Maths, I get to the classroom and just wait there looking down and just picking at the pages falling out of my book because I havent bothered to get a new one over the break which was pretty stupid because I dont even know if I have any pages left.
The teacher seems to be running a bit late so I sit down on the floor leaning on wall next to the door and as I do that I see Jason walking up to his friends who are leaning on the lockers opposite me, I start staring at them without realizing when one of them says "Whats your problem?" making all of them turn around includng Jason, in response I begin to stutter but the teacher walks up to us and opens the door and everyone slowly walks in.


The bell rings and I practically jump out of my seat, I must've fallen asleep which im not suprised about because it was probably the most boring class i've ever attended which is quite bad coming from me since I find every subject boring.

I walk out the classroom and put my books away in my locker, it's food break now so I have another two classes and then lunch. I grab an apple and a chocolate bar from my bag and go to sit where I usually do which is as far away from any human as possible, It's the start of spring so the weather is starting to warm up which makes me a bit nervous. I pull up my sleeve and stare at my scars, which are really faint now which sends waves of relief through me knowing that i'll be able to go swimming and where short sleeves without any drama.


The day dragged on and i'm finally walking home, I plug my headphones in and walk home peacefully taking in my surroundings which I haven't walked by in ages.

I reach my front door and get my keys out my bag, once i'm inside there is no one home yet because my sister Skye doesnt finish school till a bit later than me so when I get home mum is usually picking her up. I dont mind though, I like having the house to myself for a bit.


Hey Guys, Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I know its very short but they will get longer and I know nothing about her depression has really kicked in yet so that will also happen soon.
Thankyou :)

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