Chapter 1

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"Hey wake up!" Froztbyte heard a voice. "What?" She jolted up, still half asleep. "Where gonna go out flying, lets go together!" She looked up to see her sister, Viyn. "uhg. Go back to sleep" Frozt said, rolling over to get comfortable again. She felt her dragon drape a wing over her, groaning in annoyance as he also tried to get back to sleep.

"Nope!" Viyn said and opened the curtains, letting the bight light of sun in her room. "NOOOOO!" Frozt yelled and hid in the wings of the four-winged black dragon curled around her. He growled and sat up, shaking his head and pawing at his eyes. "Come on!!" Said a vary impatient Viyn. "The others are waiting for us! You and Faolynn need to get your lazy butts up!" She said and walked out of the room.

She heard the loud growl of excitement from her sisters dragon, Vesper, a Darkfury. "uhg...Okay fine...Comeon, Fao" She said to her stormfury as she sat up. "Grrrr..." The four winged dragon groaned and layed back down. "Hey!" Frozt poked his head "Get up idgit! If I have to get up, so do you."

She grabbed her brush and tried to put her long hair back out of her face, but her attempt failed as it fell back into her face, covering her bad eye. "Uhg." She rolled her eyes in annoyance and gave up. The blue highlights in her hair blew in the slight wind that flew threw the room from the opened window.

She looked back at the door as she heard another voice call out for her. "Come on, lets GO!" She heard the voice of one of her classmates, Steadypaws.

Frozt yelled at the door "Im comming, 'Ight? Jeeze, dont get your panties in a twist!" She looked over at Faolynn and smiled as he licked her face. "'Ight, Fao, lets go" They walked downstairs to greet their friends. "Hey Steady." She looked to her friends side to see two speedstingers by either side of her. "Hey Crash, hey Rumble" She said, putting her hand up to her face to cover her eyes from the sun.

Faolynn rolled his eyes and snorted as he put one of his wings over her head to help hide the light. "Kay lets go" Frozt said as she pulled her shaded goggles over her eyes. "Yourwelcome, by the way" Faolynn grunted in his dragon launguage, knowing she couldnt hear him. "Oh, thanks boy" Frozt said, knowing almost exactly what her dragon ment.

"'Kay lets go" She said as he hopped on the back of her fourwinged dragon. Viyn got on her Darkfury and patted his head. "Lets go, boy!" She took up to the sky. Faolynn looked at the two speedstingers and gave a toothy smile. Frozt looked at Steadypaws, "We will run on the ground for today. Fao needs to get his legs working anyways, hes getting fat by just by flying all th-" but she was cut off as she was knocked to the ground by her dragon "Hey, come on now, I was joking!" She said to her dragon.

"Okay!" Steadypaws laughed as her speedstingers nudged her. Faolynn layed down to let Froztbyte back on his back. "Lets go!" Steadypaws hopped on the back of Rumble. She smiled and the two dragon riders began to race towards the forest.


This is literly my first fan-fic, and Im not so good at it yet, so youll have to forgive me...

Steadypaws(b) Grimm!

Viyn (b) Majoradrowned

Im gonna ad other OCs of my friends as the story goes on! I need help with ideas let me know if you have any :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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