The Stranger

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It was a bright and sunny day when Regan Saunders stepped out of the mission and onto the crowded streets of the city. She held out her hand to hail a taxi, and the bright yellow cab pulled up beside her. She climbed in and handed a twenty to the driver.

"Lakewood." She muttered as she pulled out her bible.

"All the way to the suburbs?" The driver asked.

She nodded, and the driver sighed. "I have to take this guy to wherever he needs to be first." He pulled up to another hand sticking out of the crowd.

Regan raised an eyebrow. That's strange; wasn't it customary for the first person to enter a cab to be dropped off? Oh well. She wasn't in a hurry, and she had asked the driver to go all the way out to the suburbs.

The driver pulled up to the curb, letting the other man in.

"5th Avenue." The man's smooth voice said as he took a seat next to Regan.

The driver pulled onto the street. A few minutes later the man looked over at Regan.

"What are you reading?'

"Psalms." She replied politely, looking up at her company; but her smile quickly faded. This man had a large, puffy scar that extended from his mouth to his ear lobe, making him look like he was grinning at her. Beside that feature, he looked like the average businessman.

"Ah Psalms" he sighed "I myself was always a proverbs fan, but it's been awhile..."
"Well it's never too late to get back in touch." A generous smiled graced Regan's face.

"Is that so? I feel as if I am too far gone."

Regan sighed, feeling a surge of compassion for the mutilated stranger. "Here, take this." She closed the bible and passed it to him.

His eyes widened "For me? Are you sure?"

"Of course. You can read it and help yourself rebuild a relationship with the lord. Why don't you come to the mission tomorrow morning for the service?"

His smile was soft and heartfelt. "How very kind of you." He turned over the bible, noticing the information sticker Regan had placed on the back:

Regan Saunders

6721 Wright lane.

Lakewood, NY.

(212) 659-2434

"Miss. Saunders" he smiled as the cab pulled on Fifth Avenue. "Thank you very much."

He tipped the driver and exited the cab. Regan looked out the window to see where he was going, but he was gone, as if he vanished into thin air.

She shook her head. He must have just disappeared into the crowd.


Later that night, Regan was sitting by a warm fire, reading a book, when the phone rang.


"What are you wearing right now?" A raspy voice on the end asked.

Regan was appalled. "Excuse me!" she said angrily "This is not a sexline!"

She was just about to hang up when the voice muttered, "My apologies, Miss. Saunders."

She slammed the phone onto the receiver, feeling a chill run up her spine. It was probably just a prank call. She was head of the city mission.

But about half an hour later, the phone rang again.

"It's me" the same raspy voice said

"Who is this?" Regan demanded

"Your secret admirer." He chuckled

"What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice shaking

"I want to tell you that I'll be there soon, my dear." He chuckled again and hung up

Regan immediately dialed the police

"Hello? Yes, some man is stalking me. He is coming to my house and I think he's going to hurt me!"

The police explained to Regan that it was just a prank, and that she should get some rest.

She was angry, but perhaps the authorities were right. She decided to go to sleep. She went to her room and locked the door. She always kept her house unlocked in case someone needed a place to stay. Given the current situation she would have never done this, but the fact that her door was unlocked simply slipped her mind.


3 AM was the time when Regan was awoken by a loud knock on the door. However, it wasn't her front door; the knock was coming from her bedroom door.

"Regan! Let me in Regan!"

Regan froze in terror. That's when she realized this wasn't just a prank. Soon there was a big crash, as the intruder struck the doorknob with a hammer.

"Don't make me come in there Regan!"

She screamed, frantically jumping out of her bed. She ran to the window, but stopped when she saw a man standing outside, staring at her. She immediately recognized her by the scar across his face. He grinned and waved at her. She shrieked and closed the curtains, diving under her bed to hide. She prayed silently over and over, although she could barely hear herself over the beating of her heart.

Several minutes of pounding and praying later, the intruder was in the room. His hand reached under the bed and grabbed her ankle, pulling her out. She screamed loudly as she came face to face with the attacker.

It was the cab driver.

"I got her boss." He called in the raspy voice that had harassed her over the phone.

Regan was hyperventilating as the man with the scar strode into her room, carrying a bloody axe.

"Regan Regan Regan...." He grinned down at her "How long, you simpletons, will you insist on being simpleminded? How long will you mockers relish your mocking? How long will you fools hate knowledge?" he chuckled, grazing her cheek with the blade of the axe "Proverbs 1:22. Always one of my favorites."

"Just tell me what you want!" Regan screamed, her face red with tears

He smiled a smiled that made her stomach churn as he reached down and stroked her cheek. "Miss. Saunders. So kind. So beautiful..."

Regan whimpered as he raised his axe

"And now, you're mine."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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