A dig mistake

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There once was a sixteen year old girl named Natalia Stevenson, who went to Clearwater High School. Natalia had lots of friends and she was popular. She could probably be considered as one of the most popular girls in her whole school. She always had the perfect hair, the latest clothes and she definitely had the power.

One day, Natalia was chatting at the lunch table with some of her friends, and she loved being the center of attention. So, she targeted a nearby victim that went by the name of Victoria Monroe. Victoria had been sitting at the lunch table by herself that day, and Natalia thought that maybe by making fun of her, she could make her friends laugh.

Natalia was grinning from ear to ear, as she made rude and inappropriate comments towards Victoria. Everyone was laughing so hard that they were nearly peeing, so Natalia continued to embarrass her. Victoria’s face was flushed red and she tried not to make eye contact with the popular table.

Natalia at the moment assumed that Victoria couldn’t hear them, but she didn’t really care if she did. All that mattered was that everyone liked Natalia, and she could keep her place as the most popular girl in the school. And as Natalia continued making fun of Victoria, everyone began making fun of Victoria. After a while, everyone automatically hated Victoria because people were scared that the “populars” would make fun of them for liking her. The bullying continued in and out of school.

Out of school, somehow people figured out Victoria’s cell phone number and online account usernames, and they harassed her over the internet. The poor girl couldn’t do anything about it, but one day she did. Victoria Monroe was found dead, hanging in her closet; and next to her was her cell phone smashed into a million pieces.

Her parents were devastated, and they were determined to find why who she had decided to commit suicide. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe marched straight to the principal’s office and demanded to speak with the students of Clearwater High School. The students openly admitted that although they joined in on the bullying, it was Natalia Stevenson who started it all.

Natalia was called down to the principal’s office that very moment, so Victoria’s parents could speak with her. She entered the office where the Monroe’s were sitting in two chairs. There was one more chair for Natalia, so she hesitantly sat down. As soon as the principal’s office door closed, Natalia bursts into tears. “I’m so sorry! I had no idea that your daughter would ever kill herself. It’s my entire fault!”, she cried.

Mascara and jet black eyeliner ran down her sixteen-year old face. Victoria’s mother embraced her and told her that it was alright. "I know I can never repay you for what I did, but all I can say is that bullying your daughter was the worst mistake of my life", she told Victoria's parents.

Eventually, Natalia Stevenson was charged with verbal harassment and she was sentenced to prison for three years. A police car pulled up in front of the school and drove Natalia to the local prison. Three years later in jail, Natalia still dreams about Victoria and what she did to her.

Here’s a piece of advice to those of you reading this, never bully others because it could turn out to be the biggest mistake of your life!

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2013 ⏰

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