How it all started(Prologue)

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  I never had my first kissed I never had a boyfriend.I never experienced highschool love I don't know how it feels to be wanted. I mean these things never bothered me it seem normal to me.
  Other girls my age in high school would kill for the hole fairy tale nonsense of having a prince charming. Then there was others who has been through the hole 9 yards of having a boyfriend, and falling in love over a guy that always broke there hearts .Which made them cry and always  had them scanting off like wild bulls to the girls bathroom .I was never the type who needed a guy to make me feel better for my self as a person. I never cared I just wanted to focus on getting through high school and enjoying my life. I didn't want a guy to tie me down in other words.
  To be honest these things always made me laugh when it came to a girl crying over a guy ,however I never understood because I never been in love nor did I have a boyfriend to break mines. To me it was just a regular guy who wasn't worth crying over .Oh and believe me they really wasn't at all. I mean I wouldn't say I never had a crush but nothing, to crazy that I felt flustered around the guy mainly because my crush only lasted for a day or a week without telling the person. Then I would go on with my life and no one would of have to know.

But then everything changed!

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