We all live on

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Even though we all die, our spirits linger on.

   My name is Ella George, I died today.
Death is weird thing you know, it gives you a cold feeling. The tale of my death is gruesome, but I will tell you anyway.
    It happened on the way home from work. I had just finished my double shift, I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. It was the middle of the night and I was heading to my car when I heard a loud crash, not even ten feet away.
   At first I was scared, but then I got really scared, when a person in dark clothing came up to me from behind and put a bag over my head.
I thought about screaming, but I guess my kidnapper knew I was going to, for he put a gun to my head. After a few minutes of walking/being shoved, the kidnapper pushed me through a door.
The smell was horrid, it smelt of rotten flesh and fish. The smell was so overpowering that I fainted.
When I awoke, I was in a different position. I felt dizzy and faint, like all of my blood was rushing to my head. Then I realized that I was upside down and the man was in front of me.
Frightened, I wiggled ferociously but the man just grabbed me by the arms and held me still.
"Stop moving pipsqueak", he said.
"Who are you?", I asked.
Then he said something that made me cringe,"I am your worst nightmare!".
At that point I was so scared that I screamed.
"Shut the hell up!", he screamed, startling me a little.
Then came the beating, he grabbed what looked like a baseball bat with dried blood all over it from the corner of the room.
"This won't hurt a bit.", he said, with a smirk on his face.
He beat me so hard I thought that he would finally let me go if he had gotten all of his anger out. But he wasn't finished, he threw aside the bat and reached behind his back, and pulled out a hunting knife. And again came the pain and the screams.
The man had stabbed me at least ten times, I was surprised to still be alive.
"Please, let me go.", I said in a weak voice." What did I ever do to you?",I asked, wondering if he could hear me.
"Nothing",he said, with that same evil smirk on his face, " I just don't like the cute ones", he said, laughing like a lunatic.
As if it couldn't get any worse than being beat and stabbed, he went to a door( which must've been a closet or something ) and pulled out a gun.
"Oh, dear lord, no!", I screamed not wanting to die like this.
"Oh yes", he said.
And then I was gone, all I saw was black. I didn't believe how a man could kill an innocent girl, like me. There must've been some hard times in his life.

So now you have heard the story of Ella George, I still linger, maybe you can find me.

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