After the Heart Attack

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        Eadlyn pov,

It's been 3 days since mom has had the heart attack after Aaron departed from Illéa, dad hasn't left the hospital.

"Eady is mommy going to die she's been in the hospital for 3 days and still hasn't woken up?" Osten exclaimed with a cry.

I thought about it for a while, what if mom did die would I have to lead the country along side of dad? I'm not ready to lead the country yet with the selection going on still, and if mom dies what would I do gives me all my advice. "Osten she will wake up she has to" I pleaded.

I left Osten to go get ready for dinner, I felt the tears coming I started running down the halls I didn't care if I didn't look like a future queen I just needed to  get to my room. While I was running I tripped over the corner of the wall and fell I just started to sob right their. It could've been 5 minutes or 30 I don't know I was busy crying, I heard someone coming down the hall I got up so fast and wiped my eyes and started walking to my room. Than I heard someone calling after me "Eady Eady wait up" I started walking faster  I got to my room and shut it.

Neena was in their dusting she looked up "Miss what's wrong" I ran over to her and started crying again and explained everything it was my fault Ahern left, people uprising is my fault, I gave mom the heart attack ! "Miss it's not your fault, would you like to get ready for dinner or would you like it in your room tonight" I would like it in my room, and can u tell my family and the selection guys that I'm upset? "Yes miss of course"

I got into bed and put the covers over my head and drifted off to sleep, before I new it I was getting woken up by Neena saying I needed to eat. I yawned and asked if I have to she said yes so I ate fast and went back into bed and drifted back off. I dreamed that I was at moms funeral and dad was crying on the ground by their bench , it's where they first meet the night the selected got their 20 years ago. Osten was crying by my legs with Kaden. I couldn't believe it Ahern wasn't even there that made my stomach twist. I woke up with a sound of rebel alarms, I got out of bed put on a robe and my slippers and started walking to the nearest safe room. When I got their I saw my family and Kile with Mrs. Marley and Carter and his sister, Hale and Eric and Henri and the others talking among them self than I realized dad and mom are at the hospital wing I ran to the guard to tell him to let me out he wouldn't let me I started fighting but he was to big. I started to cry on the ground Kile saw and ran over he started rubbing my back and hugging me he asked what was wrong and I told him my worry of my family he told me it would be okay. I saw all the other guys giving us evil glares I didn't care right now I fell asleep in his arms.

Eadlyn SchreaveWhere stories live. Discover now