My First Ever Poetry

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May 21, 2015 Clouds

I sit here, alone, with my only friends and family

Up in the sky, lonesome and tired

As I watch my only friends jump off, In order to mend

Their last words are always "I'll be happier this way" As they drop off the ledge In the sky

it's nothing to us to see death

I've seen too much to even care anymore

We look down, to see an abyss, of nothing

However, it is said to have a life below

With happiness and thriving with goodness

I'd even jump if I didn't have to fend for my brothers

But my brothers would jump too, if they didn't have me

But I gave in one day, as I jumped off of the ledge that said "To happiness"

I couldn't see the bottom, but as long as I was happy, i'd do anything

I left my brothers, my family, everything I cared about, to be happy

The decision was regreted as I plummeted into another island......

My own one.

June 15, 2015 A Spark of hope (Rhyming)

As I sit down. In agony and fear

I watch the war, as I start to tear

My parents, gone, all I cared for, gone

Just me, guns, a knife, and my pet python

"They're going to kill me" I thought

"They're going to torture me" I think as I fought

Suddenly, someone comes up to me, a sign

That it is over, it's going to be fine

The only thing that could change my mind

In my eyes, it was an amazing find

I approach them only to be shot

I realize I was mistaken, for everything I thought of, gone

The last thing that went through my head, wasn't that bullet

It was why. Why my own Father, had killed me.

June 18th, 2015 The thought of freedom

All I could think of, was freedom

To be free, released from boredom

Only that could make me happy

Not Friends, Computers, or even a billion dollars

Just going back, to making books

All I want, is a bit of love A bit of anything, to ease the pain

But all I can do, is sit alone, in a shack

Waiting for nothing

But a bit of fun

My Poetry!!!! (Scott)Where stories live. Discover now