Week One

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Day One

I woke up to a stab of pain in my leg. Everything around me is blurry. I sit there while I regain my senses. I start to make out a person on the ground in front of me, ¨Hello?¨ I turn my head , ¨Where am I... can you hear me?¨ I try to sit up. My back aches as if it was on fire. My neck struggles to pick up my head. I look around then look at my leg. I see a piece of metal wedged within my leg. a red liquid covers most of my thy onto the ground. The sight of it made me gasp for air. I look around one more time, everyone was dead.

There were trees all around, birds chirping. Everything seemed so peaceful. A slight breeze blows throughout the woods making the leaves flutter. I started to remember. I was on a plane on my way to attend to a business trip. Then it hit me. The plane crashed. I use all of my strength to push myself of of the floor as I stumble my way to the to the front of the plane. Another breeze brushes past me where the plane has split in two. 

After some observation, I concluded we had crashed in the middle of a rain forest somewhere in South America . It feels humid. The moisture made my wound sting. I look around, taking in my surroundings. everything is peaceful. every bird chirping happy songs, every tree swaying in the wind, and then there's me. A cripple, a slave to the forest. I grit my teeth and lift myself down out of the plane. I see the front half of the plane about 40 yards away but the wings are nowhere to be seen. They must have fell off before it crashed. I limp my way to the front half of the plane, I wince at every step.

I finally make it to my destination. There is debris everywhere but I can still see some supplies hidden in the pile of scraps. I climb onto the plane using a seat to pull myself up. There is a few cans of soup on the floor that must have rolled from the kitchen type area during the crash. I pick them up and put them in a pile on a seat. I search the pilot. I take a flashlight from his belt and a few extra batteries.

Its getting dark. I take a small shard of metal that was pried off the plane in the crash. There is a small tree on the ground. It must have been knocked down by the plane when It was coming down. I snap off a branch and undo my shoe lace. The metal could be used as a blade until I can find something better. I take the stick and I wedge the sheet of metal in it securing it with the lace.

I limp my way to some nearby trees. I pluck off some leaves fastening them around my wound. The bleeding started to diminish, but I am still light headed. I lift my tool and hack at the tree, The crunch of the tree was satisfying. By now the sun is a sliver of light in the distance. I drag the small tree I cut towards the front half of the plane next to the one that was knocked down to be used as firewood. After that I climb myself onto the plane then rest my head and go to sleep.

Day Two

I wake up to a crinkle of leaves in the woods to my left. There might be an animal that I can eat. I grab the tool I made yesterday. A rabbit hops out from the woods. I lunge at it.

The sun peeks over the tops of the trees. I pick up the deceased rabbit and lay it in the plane. The trees from yesterday still have plenty of sticks that I can use for firewood.

I take some dry leaves from the ground and crush them up for tinder. There is a small rock on the ground that I can strike against the plane to make a spark. The sparks land on the tinder and eventually make a small flame. I set a few small twigs on top of the flaming tinder. soon, there was a decently sized fire. The tool I made earlier will be able to skin the rabbit. After I skin and gut the animal, I put the meat on a flat rock that I placed on top of the fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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