Chapter 11

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Hannah POV

So I kissed him. It was sweet. 

Anyway,We got up from sitting in the deserted hallway, Teenagers began filing out of the classrooms looking at us like we were nutcases.

Lucas went with back to class as I shuffled off to my locker. I sighed, Entering my combination to my locker's lock. I opened it up. A picture of my mother staring back at me. My eyes pricked with pain.

"HANNAH!" I heard someone screech. I turned seeing Haven. I quickly wiped away the tears and waved to her.

"Hannah! I heard what happened I'm so sorry!"

I smiled sadly, writing on my whiteboard "Its alright.. News travels fast doesn't it..?"

"This is High school, Hannah, Of course it does." Said Haven trying to make me smile. 

I wrote in response to that comment. "Yes, yes, Now go off to class, i don't want you to get detention."

"OH SHIT!" she basically screamed, She ran off, blank papers flying out from her unzipped backpack.

I rolled my eyes and thought: 'Another left me. I better get used to it.'


Guyssss Its backkkk!
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment *-*. I just, I live on those.

ANYWAY! I will not be posting every Sunday and Wednesday (due to pris-School -sobs grossly-) I'll just post whenever i get a chance. (obviously >.<)

THank you for reading and sticking around this long to read this late chapter XD

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