The Blind Side

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Today I woke up to another day in this hell hole of an orphanage. I had been here for a while. I have gotten used to it by now. After about 5 minuets of waking I got called. 

"Bethany, pack your stuff you are being adopted." Ms.Basinger said as she came into the dorm, I just about jumped for joy. I smiled and packed my few belongings quickly. After I was done I picked up my 2 pound suitcase in one hand and my coat in another. I walked in and faced where I had learned the bench was. Just as I had learned to type on my IPod as I do now. I leanred to live with being blind instead of bitching about it. Soon I may even get an assistance doggy if I need. I heard a female voice about 6 inches away from where I was facing.

"Hello." It said, cheery and sweet. 

"Hi." I said. A male voice piped up.

"I love your eyes, they are a very icy, winter wonderland type blue."

"Oh about that... I'm blind." I had said shyly, I could tell I liked these people already. 

"Well lets get going, we will tell you the whole groups name in the car."

"Okay, will I be safe?" I said out loud on accident. I can't believe I did that! Stupid, stupid, stupid! "Sorry." I apologized, my face going red. 

"We get it." The female said. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It guided me out of the door I had entered  6 years ago. I pulled out my IPod and played some songs. I had basically every song I wanted. My parents were still alive, but had to give me up for court reasons. I got in the car and the male spoke again.

"So I am Adam, this is Dawn. The others at the house are Mitch, Jerome, Taylor and Jordan." 

"Oh that is so cool."

"What is cool?" Dawn asked

"I watch these You-Tubers with the same names who said that they were...." I trailed off as it hit me. I was adopted by my favorite You-Tubers.

"Well we got busted. Wait how do you watch YouTube, being blind and all." Adam asked.

"I do not watch, I listen. I have EXTREMELY good hearing." I said stressing the word extremely. People helped me around YouTube a lot, I was a friend maker. I think anyway...

~That is all, I need to do some other things. So with that, bye blood and happy hunting!~

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