The church

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It was around 11:30 in the morning and Jeff and I were eating lunch in the cafeteria. So far it was a normal day at our very boring school. We heard a group of the 'popular' kids talking about a ghost town that they had found. This intrigued Jeff and I and we went to get more details. "Should we go there?" I ask.
"Yes we will go tonight dude." Jeff answered.

Later that night Jeff texted me. "Are you ready?" It read. I quickly responded with, "yes I'll pick you up."
I grab my keys and some gear. I head over to Jeff's house and honk my horn to let him know I'm there. He comes out with a backpack full of things such as food, flashlights, a camera, and extra batteries. Needless to say we were prepared.

It took us about 2 hours to get to this ghost town, except that the road didn't take us all the way too it. The road ended at a trail through the woods. We hesitate for a minute until Jeff says "well let's do this!" And we head into the woods following the trail.

Walking the trail took a while and the sun was starting to set. And it gave the woods an eerie feeling. It started getting cold and we could see our breath. We had no clue if we were still going the right way, then all of a sudden we see this old lady walking her dog. This lady was old and short. She walked with a slight limp. Jeff walked up to her and asked if she knew where the ghost town was. She quickly handed him a map and pointed in the direction we had to go. When we looked back to her she was gone. We couldn't see her anywhere. "Dude that was shady." I said to Jeff.
"Yea but let's keep going." He responded.

We continue heading towards the ghost town. The sun was now almost completely gone. After about 10 more minutes we finally reached the ghost town. And it was very creepy. Every house had boarded up doors and windows. It also seemed as if the temperature dropped 20 degrees and now it was freezing cold. Jeff grabbed the camera and 2 flashlights so we could see.

We walk around and can't find a house or building that we can get into. It was kind of disappointing. We look every and every house is boarded up so we decide it was a hoax and start to head back to the trail. We took a wrong turn and realized we were heading to this creepy church. The bell tower stood taller then any other building and it blocked out all the moon light. Which made it cast a very creepy shadow.

We get to the door and Jeff pushes it open. The door slowly opens with a loud creeping noise. With out even thinking we head into this church. We split up to look around. I head down the middle isle way and get these chills down my back. Everything about this church is just too creepy. And the fact that it was the only building we could go in creeped me out even more.

All of a sudden we hear this awful yell come from somewhere in the church. Jeff and I meet up with each other to make sure everything was alright. We hear the yell again. We head towards the noise and find that it is coming from the basement. We slowly head down the stairs and I take the lead because I wanted to be brave. I get to the bottom and see man chained to a chair. "Help me!" He yells

"We will get you out." I say. Jeff finds a chain cutter and cuts the chain off.

"Thank you fools" the man says and laughs very evilly. Jeff and I look at each other then at the mysterious man. His eyes turn solid black and Jeff and I back up to the stairs. The man stands and flicks his wrist and sends me flying into the wall. Knocking me slightly unconscious. When I come to I see the man standing over Jeff's motionless body. He shoves his hand into Jeff's chest and pulls something out. It was a transparent glowing orb. I now realize it was his soul. The man devoured Jeff's soul. He then turned to me. I tried to stand and run but I couldn't move. "You are the perfect candidate for my army" the man said to me. I try to answer but I couldn't. I blacked out of fear.

When I awoke I was locked in this small room with a bed and a mirror. I stand and look in the mirror to check if I was alright. When I look in the mirror I see a huge gash in my chest. I look down at it and see it disappears and heals. I look back up at the mirror and see that my eyes had turned solid black....

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