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chapter ten; beauxbatons and durmstrang


THE MEMORY OF the vision, as Robyn had chosen to call it, played on her mind for the rest of the week. She wasn't sure what to make of it. Several times she'd considered going to a teacher about it, but would stop herself before she did. What would she say if she did? How would she explain it?

She had another of Moody's classes on Thursday, but this time she sat at the back of the class with Tyler, keeping quiet and not putting her hand up to answer any questions. More often than not, Robyn would look up to see that the eccentric professor's magical eye was already staring back at her. Hurriedly she would look away, but she could feel it watching her almost constantly.

Moody had now moved on from showing the class various curses to actually performing them on them. Unable to perform either the Cruciatus or Killing curse on the students, he opted for the Imperius curse, attempting to teach them to resist it's effects.

Tyler had spent a good two minutes doing parkour on the desks and tables which he would definitely would not have been able to do in any other circumstance. George did a remarkable impression of a cat; Fred performed several, perfect cartwheels around the room. Then, it was Robyn's turn.

"Clarke," Moody growled, "you next."

She exchanged a wary look with Angelina before moving forward into the middle of the classroom, into the space Moody had cleared by moving back the desks. Robyn swallowed nervously; Moody raised his wand, pointed it at her and said "Imperio!"

A sudden sense of happiness enveloped Robyn. The nerves and worry she had felt before floated away, leaving her with a sense of calm. She stood feeling incredibly relaxed, barely aware of the whole class watching her. Then she heard Moody's voice, talking in some empty part of her brain.

"Bark like a dog...bark like a dog..."

Robyn cleared her throat, preparing to do what he said.

"Why?" Another voice spoke in the back of her head. "Why would I want to do that? Bit dumb, to be honest..."

"Bark! Do it!"

A moment later Robyn let out a string of barks, strangely similar to that of a dog. She came back to her senses a moment later, grinning sheepishly when she saw her classmates laughing.

"That was impressive," Tyler told her, putting an arm around her casually. "But you're still not as much of a dog as Pansy Parkinson."

"Thank God for that," Robyn laughed. She didn't miss the dirty looks Fred was shooting at Tyler and glanced at him in confusion, but the ginger simply shook his head with a small, forced-looking smile and turned away.


"Why do we have so much homework? Free periods are meant for relaxing," Tyler groaned. He emptied the contents of his bag onto the coffee table in the Gryffindor common room, then ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"I don't know why you're complaining. It's not as if you're going to do it anyway," Robyn said, picking up a few sheets of parchment which had fallen on the floor and placing them back on the table.

"But it's not even NEWTs yet! We've only just done our OWLs!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Like I said, you're not going to do it anyway. Even though you probably should - how many OWLs did you get again?"

"Four," Tyler answered nonchalantly. Robyn sighed in exasperation, opening her mouth to speak again but stopping herself when Violet appeared next to her.

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