If We Were A Movie (One Shot Story)

44 4 1


By NothingLikeThisGirl

(c) May 2013.


Jillian Collins * James Maslow



His smile.

His eyes.

His voice.

His laugh.

His warmth.

His existence.



Here he goes again, talking cinematic and all. He's talking about his "cover girl" again. Darn. I wish he knew how painful it is to hear your boy best friend whom you love talk about another girl.

Yes, I'm in love with my best friend. How pathetic.

"She looked so adorable at our last school reunion, you know." He said.

Wow. As if I wanna know that.

"Really? Why didn't you tell her?" I wish he could hear annoyance in my voice.

"I was afraid she might laugh at me." He laughed his laugh that make my knees grow weak.

"That's hard to believe." I said.

"Why so?"

"Only b*tches would laugh at a guy like you."  I said, not looking at him.

"SILLY JILLIAN! *messes up my hair* Well, I'm late for class. You better get going, too. Babye!" He waved goodbye. I waved back. So, he left me. How nice.

Oh James. I really wish you knew. I think I should win an Oscar for the scene I'm in, huh? *sigh*

Welp, I'm late for class too. I'm gonna go.


Our teacher said we are going to have a girls' choice dance-slash-Sadie Hawkins and she wants us to choose our partners within this week.

I wanted to ask James, but decided not to. I know a bunch of girls would ask him, and I might get rejected, so I'll play it safe. I decided to ask my cousin/schoolmate Logan instead.


I'm quietly sitting in my room, thiking about things. He would always talk about that girl, and it sucks. If we were in a movie, we'd be best friends and we'd fall in love with each other, and we' be watching the sunset and----


I tripped over my guitar since I kept walking back and forth. Hmm, how about a song? :)

~~Uh oh

There you go again talking cinematic

Yeah you!

You're charming, got everybody star struck.

I know

How you always seem to go

For the obvious instead of me

If We Were A Movie (One Shot Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon