Because i love you

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Kris yanked her arm free from his grasp and punched at him mercilessly. She'd barely sent him stumbling back wards but it was enough so she could run out the bedroom door before her captor could regain his footing , - if she was fast enough. She struggled with the locks on the front and that's when Eric grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her backward, far away from the exit. Kris screamed in pain and the shrieking sound gave Eric a rush of adrenaline. He was a fiend who fed off pain and suffering. He threw Kris to the ground with a THUD and she cried out, the fall not at all gentle. Kris cursed at him demanding to be released but he only hit her more and more each time until Kris was quiet. Stars swarmed around her head and her vision became distorted.
" Why are you doing this ," Kris groaned, " Please stop!"
Eric took a step towards her , pulled her to her feet, only his arms holding her up and stared her dead in the eyes .
" why ? Because I love you. " he told her then started planting soft kisses on her neck. Kris was too weak to move.
The door burst open and shouts echoed the room, too fuzzy for Kris to make out. Eric had released her and Kris fell to the floor. She saw Eric now had a gun in hand and was yelling at the few people who'd entered the room. The police ? Both men were armed and ready to fire. Kris slowly crawled , ignoring the commotion , and grabbed onto the table leg and tried to support herself. Eric's gun was steady, his face determined. She shook tremendously until she knew exactly what was going to happen . She froze, not daring to even breathe. Someone's going to die. And just like that, not even in a blink of an eye, a gun went off.

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