Oh Shiiittt

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Ohhh shit y'all somebody walked in on Chris and Tori Fucking. We gon see who it was.

Chris's POV


Then the door opened

"Oooooo Tori Ma gon beat yo ass. And Chris you a little loud you needa chill" Her little sister Anna said to us.

"Ohh shit this is my welcome home. I find a nigga on top of my sister this is great." Said a boy that looked like he was like 14.

"GET THE FUCK OUT YO." Tori yelled

"Aiight but ma went to the store real quick so Chris I aint gon tell. But do you have that dough tho?" Both them kids asked me.

I gave them little kids 20 each....then they closed the door and I wanted to proceed but I had to make it look like I ain't do nothing. So I had to get dressed. And Tori was able to walk.....I was about to beat it up to.................... GODDDAMMMNN!

"My bad I ain't know they was coming that early." She said rubbing my back

"Bruh who was the little boy I just gave my money too?" I asked

"My 12 year old brother Devon." She said

"Ohhh my god Next time ima make you come over to my crib. Then I can rock yo world in peace without interruption." I laid back on the bed her Mom came in the room.

"Tori I bought you what you asked for. Hi Chris." She said

"Hi Ma. How you doing?" I got up and gave her a hug

"I'm fine." She said and walked out the room.

I saw Tori put something in her closet.

"AT LEAST I know you ain't pregnant." I laughed and she hit me. And we started play fighting.

Tori's POV

"It's so weird this nigga hasn't texted me since what had happened."

"Who that nigga Haiyden?" Chris asked with a attitude.

"Uahh Yeah why the attitude."I laughed

"He won't be bothering you or anybody you fuck with and that's a promise." He smiled and gave me a kiss.

"Nigha what did you do?"

"Nothing really. I'm going to the store because a nigga got the munchies like a mothafucka. Do you want somethin?"

"Yup. Starbucks" I laughed

"Greedy ass. I said the mothafuckin store. But I'll get it for you."

After that he got up and left for the store. And my Starbucks.

Chris's POV

I walked into Starbucks and waited 5 minutes. But somebody notices me.

"Oh My God, Christopher, is that you?" A girl with brown and blonde hair that was curly, she was about 5 feet And was lightskin. Then I noticed the square teeth.

"Jade, Jade Westbrook?" I gave her a hug remembering our 5th grade prom. Shit was litttt boii but that was a long time ago.

"It's been so long how you been boy" Jade asked me

"I've been good these days."

"Wow. Damn boy when will you stop growing?" She asked putting her hand on my chest and laughing.

I laughed and moved back a little.

"So what's up withchu?" She asked me as we sat down

"Whatchu mean?"


"Oh I got a girl. Her names Tori. I took out my phone and showed her a picture.

"She's cute." She ain't say it like she meant it. So I automatically knew she was hating.

"Fuck cute. She's sexy" I licked my lips at her picture.

"Wow. So besides her what else you've been up to?"

"Nothing really."

Her Phone went off.

"Yo can exchange numbers? Cuz I gotta go this nigga calling me n shit" she said

"Aiight.' She gave me hers and I gave her mine and went about my business.

I remember in 5th grade when Jade use to do all types of crazy shit. She was basically another one of those problem child kids. I was too, but I got good grades. She got the most weakest grades it wasn't funny .

After all that I proceed to Tori's House. I knocked on the door. Anna answered and I went straight to Tori's room.

"Baeeee! You back. But where's my food?" She asked me, that last part with a straight face.

"Damn don't worry daddy got yo food." I said giggling passing her her food.

"Thank You." She gave me a kiss. And a laid my ass down.

Jade's POV

That bitch tori is going to get in the way of me and Chris. Ever since I left to go to Trinidad, I've thought about Chris. I want him and I'm going to get him. With or without him breaking up with this 'Tori" bitch. Chris will be mine If that's the last fucking thing I do. Tori honestly doesn't deserve him, that bitch probably bribed him to be her boyfriend. Well this bitch has another thing coming.

Ewwww OMF This girl Jade prolly gonna end up getting her ass kicked by somebody in this story. because she being a hoe

-Should I have Added this Jade hoe to the story?

- What do you think She'll do?


I Think I Like My Bully: A Chris Brown Story //Soon Be completed//Where stories live. Discover now