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A young girl span around desperately, scanning the pier for something or someone, her short red skirt fanning out around her and twirling with her. Tears ran down her pale cheeks and her flaming red hair fluttered around her, blown by the wind. She was pretty, with green eyes and bright red lipstick that matched her hair, which came just past her shoulders in gentle waves. Her distress was obvious, but her eyes soon fell upon two middle aged men. She rushed forwards and grabbed one of their arms, ignoring the faint smell of alcohol and body odour.

"Please, sir, you have to help me!"

One of them turned around in surprise and when his eyes fell upon the pretty teen he smirked, "What's up, sweetheart?"

If it were possible, the girl didn't seem to notice the way that the men's eyes raked up and down her body, staring at the low cut black vest top she had on under her leather jacket. She seemed oblivious though and the thought of the danger that could befall her in this situation did not cross her mind.

"Oh god, well you see I can't find my little brother anywhere! He ran off earlier and I haven't seen him since." The girl said in a rush, her breathing rapid and panicked.

The other man smiled at her, "Well of course my friend and I would love to help."

"Oh, thank you!" The girl gushed as she practically dragged the men by the arms over to an alleyway. "I think I saw him go in here!"

The men gave each other a look and the glee was obvious in their eyes. This was just too easy.

The distressed teen continued to drag them until they had gone slightly further into the alleyway, and the noise from the pier barely reached them. When she saw that it was a dead end, she stopped in confusion.

"Oh. Well I swear he went in here, I suppose we could just try up and down the pier next." She said before turning around, only to see that the men had gotten a lot closer to her than she had expected.

They had identical smirks on their faces and one of them spoke in a low voice, "Why don't we go a bit further in, he might be hiding."

The girl looked anxious as she looked over the men's shoulders and realised that she was still close enough to the pier to hear people laughing and shouting.

"I don't think so, he's scared of the dark you see and-" She mumbled as she stepped backwards, but for every step she took, the men came a step closer.

She drew her leather jacket closer to her and made a split second. She turned quickly and ran down the alleyway, until she reached the dead end. She was trapped. Her body was tense and her shoulders rose up and down quickly, showing her laboured and frantic breathing. The men could hear her gasping for breath as she sobbed.

She heard a voice behind her, "Don't be scared, sweet cheeks, we've just got something to show you."

The men behind her laughed and the malicious sound echoed off the dirty walls of the alley way. But, after a second, the girl un-tensed her body and her breathing evened out. She stood up straight and, unbeknowst to the men behind her, her red lips formed a wicked smirk. She gave a sound that was less like a laugh, and more of an exhalation of breath in a sort of low chuckle.

"Actually, boys, I have something to show you."

The girl turned around, ever so slowly, and shadows covered the majority of her face. She made a singular step forwards and her smirk was then clearly visible, illuminated by the soft glow of the moon light. Any trace of tears had disappeared from her face and her once green eyes had turned a violent yellow. Just peaking out of the corner of her full, red lips were two dangerously pointed fangs and the men froze as the girl crouched slightly and opened her mouth in a long, high pitched hissing sound. Then, she pounced.

The men's screams echoed off of the walls of the alleyway, but now they were far enough away from the pier that the sounds of music and laughter drowned them out. No that it would have mattered anyway, because the noises of terror that they were making were abruptly cut off and the alley way was once again silent.

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