Chapter 4

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•Jessica's POV •


I stayed quiet because the person who answered the phone was not Hayes.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hi, my names Jessica. I am one of Hayes' friends. I am guessing you are Ashley, his girlfriend." I said

"Um... yes I am Ashley. I never knew Hayes had a friend named Jessica I can get him the phone if you would like." She said not wanting to talk to me.

"Um... yes can you please... thank you." I say. After I said that I could hear in the background Ashley calling Hayes to come in his room and that he has a call from a girl. Thanks.

"Hello?" Hayes says on the other line.

"Hi, Hayes it's me Jessica. I was just calling to ask if you would like to hang out tomorrow. It's okay if you are busy. We can-" I got cut off by Hayes.

"Jess calm down, sure we could hang out tomorrow. We can hang like old times. We can go to my place or there is a meadow around here, we can sit and talk."

"I would like that, so see you tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yep, you and I tomorrow. It's a date, haha." Woah, a date okay.

"Haha yea a... date. See ya." I say smiling

"Bye Jess." Then he hung up and with that I fell right to sleep with a big smile on my face.

Hey loves sorry it's really short. It's going to be short for a while and I am going to be upgrade not that much because of school when I have my breaks I will upgrade a lot more. I am trying now so please be patient. Thank you reading and please comment and vote.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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