Good Morning

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Angel POV

*alarm beeps*
*I fall out of bed*
Angel: ugh *yawns*
I wake up do my hygiene, get dressed, (peach colored crop top with distressed blue jeans and Jordan Hares) and drive to the campus.
Mae,and Keith are already waiting for me.
Mae: Well, took you long enough
Keith: Mr. Wilson gone kill us just b/c we was waiting for you!
Angel: I'm late?
Mae/Keith: yah
We ran to class
Mr. Wilson: just in time
Angel: -.- (towards Keith and Mae)
Class felt like forever
Joi bumped into me and we all went out for lunch at Semalina's (noodle restaurant)
As we walked in this guy stepped on my foot!

Guy: oh my bad
Angel: yah OK...
Mae: Hey he was kinda cute
Keith: Mae I'm right here... But I see how you act when I'm gone
Mae: no Bae I meant cute for Angel *kisses cheek*
Keith: OK
The guy held the door for us while we were walking in. He stopped me.
Guy: hey I'm Khaymen
Angel: hey I'm Angel
Khaymen: I'd love it if you came and had lunch with me I came alone...
Keith: sure!
Angel: um not you mumbles-*dumbass* I don't know you at all...
Khaymen: I just wanna talk you seem familiar.
I knew exactly who he was. Khaymen was my best friend in grade school. But he stopped answering my calls and texts and everything! Yah I felt played but I never brought that situation up again...

Khaymen: fine what's your number?
Angel: hell no nigga not like like that! Where you sitting?
Khaymen: aye waiter table for two!

Short, I think not

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