how stubborn of the scars, when they won't fade away?(james cassels one shot)

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* something i wrote awhile ago, tell me what you think maybe i'll write more stories idk *

~~ ♥ laura soarus ♥~~

"No way, we're meeting Asking Alexandria!! ohh my fucking god" Casey screamed in excitement. " I know! Michael! you are so freakin awesome bro! I said turning to give my best friend Michael a grin and a hug. Michael, Casey and I have been the unstoppable three since we were sophomores in high school, and now he works the main security for our favorite band Asking Alexandria! WE always thought he'd end up a male stripper like he always jokingly said.... but he actually got a cool job! Smiling back and giving me an awkward squeeze "It's really not a big deal guys,me and the boys have gotten really close." he laughs lightly. "AHHH! MICHAEL! YOU CALL THEM THE BOYS! OHH MY GOOD THISSS IISSSS SOOO COOL!!!" Casey fangirled all the way down the hall.As we reached the dressing room Casey began to hyperventilate "oh godd" Michael and I said together as we roll our eyes at each other. Reaching the door Casey practically has stopped breathing. We stop and Michael pokes his head in the door "Hey guys, I got some old friends of mine that you HAVE to meet." "Alrightt, bring em in then!" Says the voice of none other than Ben Bruce. Micahel pushes open the door and holds it so we can enter the room. We walk in to see Ben standing there to greet us and James chilling on the couch glancing up from his iphone to say "aye" ."hey" I say trying to be calm, which I was actually doing well compared to Casey "These are my old high school friends" Michael says "Laura" he says pointing to me "and Casey" he said gesturing at Casey who had frozen were she stood staring wide eyed at Ben. " hi, i'm Ben" Ben says giving me a smile and a slight hug. " hi, and i know" i say shyly. "Hi." he said going to hug Casey. Suddenly at his touch her breathing stutters and her eyes flutter shut as she drops into Ben's arms. Staying strong under Casey s dead weight he lays her on the couch next to James, who looks up from his iPhone again to grin at Ben "errm, is she going to be alright?" Ben asks eyeing Casey carefully " ohh yeah, she just Fangirled a little to hard." Michael and I said once again together,just then Danny walks out of the bathroom. eyeing the passed out Casey on the couch " OI! what the bloody hell is this!?" " ohh hey Danny. Apparently she "Fangirled" to hard? but i think it was my good looks that did her in!" Ben said laughing at the look on Danny's face. suddnely distracted by what Ben had said Danny stares at me a moment smiling he asked " hey Michael, whose this pretty girl?" My cheeks burned bright red as he said this " this is Laura, were good friends from high school. and that's Casey on the couch over there...Ben already explained her." Michael explained "its my good looks!" Ben says giggling again. For the third time in 10 minutes James looks up to announce " Cameron And Sammy are comming back, they have the booze and said meet them on the bus!" " okay." i speak up " can someone help me with Casey?" "okay i can." Ben says, lifting her by the arms while I grab her Legs. Lifting her and caring her to the bus as Danny leads the way. James grabs our shit and Michael locks up behind us....................

When we reach the bus Michael unlocked the door and held it wide as we trudged up the steps with Casey. "come on, we can lay her in my bunk." Ben said leading us down the narrow bunk hall with Casey's arms first. Thankfully Ben had the middle bunk and we wouldn't have to lift her up, or slide her under. after pulling back his blankets we lay her in the bunk, and Ben gently tucks her in and shuts his curtain quietly ushering us to the front part of the bus. Just then Sam and Cameron walked in

"who's that!?" Cameron asked pointing at me with a confused look.

"This is Laura, Michaels friend; and Casey is the cute bouncy blonde in my bunk!" Ben explained excitedly. "Oh...." Cam said still looking a bit confused. "Well hi!" Sam said with a genuine smile.

" hi!" i say a bit shyly. Breaking his awkward silence Cam finally turns to Michael to say

" Michael how in the bloody hell are you friends with HER!?"

how stubborn of the scars, when they won't fade away?(james cassels one shot)Where stories live. Discover now