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-London (UTC/GMT) 22:16-

Hidden along the back streets of central London, a dark, dismal and rundown ally way hides a truly sinister operation. Little is known of the remaining HYDRA bases around the globe. Waiting patiently to rise again, to for fill Schmitt's plans of a world ruled by HYDRA. They're growing stronger since the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D but the Avengers, earth's mightiest heroes, have been taking down HYDRA bases one by one. HYDRA's London base has remained hidden for the past four decades. Unimaginable research and experimentation has been carried out there for the duration of the base's inception. However, on this night, it all ended.

Scientists peacefully worked in the depth of the base that night, ensuring that their most important and valuable experiment was being attended to. Suddenly the bases alarms sounded followed by gun fire, shouting and pandemonium. The Avengers fought their way through the base, taking out HYDRA soldiers left right and centre. "Stark. Hack their systems and locate the sceptre." Captain America ordered over the team's comm. "Right on it Spangles." The rest of the team, being Thor, Hawkeye and Black Widow continued to take out the enemy. Iron Man reached the control room setting JARVIS straight on to infiltrating HYDRA's servers. He walked out of his suit, "Keep on defence JARVIS." "Certainly sir." Was the A.I's reply. Stark looked around the control room, watching different screens showing CCTV footage of the rest of the team. One screen in particular captured his attention. The picture was almost blacked out, flickering slightly but glowing yellow in the corner of the screen made him suspicious. "Cap you might want to check out Lab Seven. On the base level in the east wing." He spoke into the comm. "Heading that way now." The majority of the base had been taken, only the occasional scientist was found and rendered unconscious. "Sir systems are a hundred percent infiltrated. Downloading data now." JARVIS informed Tony. "Good work JARVIS." "Thank you sir."

Steve ran through the base, quickly making his way towards the lab of interest. It was eerily quiet along the corridor, only the sound of his feet pounding against the cold floor. "Lab three... five... seven." He stopped outside the door. Unsure as to what to expect on the other side, he armed himself with his trusty shield. A low growling could be heard from the other side of the door. It put the captain on edge. He stood back then slammed his shield into the door. It flew open revealing a now brightly lit room and two people. A male scientist advancing on a young feral looking woman. The young woman was growling, baring her teeth and flashing bright yellow, glowing eyes. He was backing her into a corner. Steve threw his shield at the scientist as he was about to inject the woman with some fluid in a syringe. The scientist collapsed on the floor and the young woman continued to growl, glaring at him. Steve picked up his shield which startled the woman. She switched her gaze to him. Cowering into the corner further, preparing to attack if she needed to. "Ma'am it's safe now." She ceased her growling. Tilting her head to the side she studied the super soldier. She could sense that he wasn't lying but she didn't trust him. He slowly approached her, placing a hand out in front of him to show he meant no harm. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the scientist move, regaining consciousness. He stood fairly quickly, going unnoticed by the super soldier, he prepared to attack. The woman growled and pounced. Leaping past Steve, she wrapped her hands around the scientist's throat and pushed him to the round. Straddling his waist and putting pressure on his neck, she leaned down towards his petrified face. A murderous look in her glowing eyes. "You won't harm anyone! No more!" She snarled. The scientist tried to pry her hands from his throat but to no avail. His face became a deep red, his eyes bulging as his oxygen supply was quickly diminishing. She never loosened her grip. The captain stood aside, processing what was happening before him. Before he could act, the scientist's eyes rolled back into his skull and he ceased to struggle.

The woman slowly stood, her wild blond hair falling in front of her face as she stared at the possibly dead man. She backed away, her breath caught in her throat, she stared at her hands. The tools of the man's demise. Steve saw the distress radiating off of her. She hadn't meant to go that far, she let her rage take control. The distant sound of many feet pounding against the ground made the woman snap out of her daze. She growled threateningly yet again. "Cap which lab are you in?" Came the voice of Natasha Romanoff over the comm link. The super soldier put his index finger to the earpiece "Seven. I might have found what you thought was interesting Stark." Unbeknown to Steve the young woman could hear what was being said over the comm link, she continued to emit a low growl. "Yeah I'm on my way down now. I saw freaky chick on the CCTV. JARVIS is accessing HYDRA's data files now, we'll soon find out what she is." At Stark's comment the woman increased the volume of her growling. Steve finally noticed that she could hear everything that was being said. "Hey it's alright. They're friends. We're getting you out and keeping you safe." He reassured her. "Safe? Helping me out?" She replied much to the surprise of the captain. Her voice was rough like gravel, hoarse, even had a thick London accent. He thought that maybe she didn't speak too much. What had HYDRA done to her? The rest of the team burst into the room, weapons armed and ready. This put the young woman on edge and she returned to her defensive manner. "Who's your new friend Cap?" Clint asked. "Don't know." Is his reply. Suddenly Stark strode in. "Experiment 85502. Cross genetic enhancements. She's a hybrid of human and wolf DNA. What I want to know is how HYDRA were able to successfully do this nineteen years ago and without killing her." The rest of the team looked at him, then to the young woman. Her yellow eyes bored into Stark's skull. She was used to being called all those things. Experiment, 85502, hybrid, beast abomination even. "What's your name?" Thor asked the woman. She turned to look at him, hesitating in her answer. "Name?" She asked back. Natasha looked over to her. "What do they call you? You know like people call me Natasha or Nat." "They call me 85502. Or sometimes beast, hybrid, abomination." She listed. "What does her file say Stark?" Nat asked the self titled genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. "Nothing other than what they've done over the nineteen years they've had her. She was six when they first brought her here. There's no name on these files at all." "Sounds just like HYDRA." Steve seethed. He couldn't believe that they would take a six year old and experiment on her. All the while Thor and the young woman had a stare off. Only did he avert his look when he asked "What are we to do?" "Your call Cap." Clint said. "Get back to the tower. We bring her with us." None of them questioned his orders as the filed out of the room. The young woman stayed back, unsure as to whether to follow them. This room was all she had ever known. She hadn't even been around the base, let alone the outside world. Thor and Steve noticed her uneasiness. "You're free now. No one will hurt you." Thor gently said to her. Hesitantly she stepped towards them and proceeded to follow them out of the complex. This was her first taste of freedom and she knew that she was going to love it.

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