Ye be warned about not reading these messages!
This text means it is me, your loved and cherished writer speaking if it isn't an authors note.
This is super emphasizing a word. Example: I neeeded to do laundry.
This means some one(katie)is talkimg telepathically.
This means another person is talking useing katies telepathy.
This means there is a third person using katies power.
Any questions?
Ps, I have bad spelling. Don't blame me, blame my dumb keybord.Also, I will use swearing, some graphic scenes, copywrites will be broken because I like to use referances and other peoples ideas, and some things that might scare you. This book is rated R for REREAD THE FIRST EVER BOOK BECAUSE YE HAVE BEEN WARNED AND WENT ON WITH YE OWN FREE WILL SCOTTY!!!
Sorry if I offend anyome, because I like cruel humer cause it makes me laugh when your not suposed to laugh, and it makes the book 12 times better.-SpiderGirlIsMe
His Daughter Against him
FanfictionKatie Kemp is orphaned in an alley way and Spider-man takes her as his own at the begining of his web slinging career. About ten years later, Mesmero sets out to conjour the world. And katie is high on the hitlist for some unknown reason. As Spidey...