Authors note of before hand awareness:

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Ye be warned about not reading these messages!
This text means it is me, your loved and cherished writer speaking if it isn't an authors note.
This is super emphasizing a word. Example: I neeeded to do laundry.
This means some one(katie)is talkimg telepathically.
This means another person is talking useing katies telepathy.
This means there is a third person using katies power.
Any questions?
Ps, I have bad spelling. Don't blame me, blame my dumb keybord.

Also, I will use swearing, some graphic scenes, copywrites will be broken because I like to use referances and other peoples ideas, and some things that might scare you. This book is rated R for REREAD THE FIRST EVER BOOK BECAUSE YE HAVE BEEN WARNED AND WENT ON WITH YE OWN FREE WILL SCOTTY!!!
Sorry if I offend anyome, because I like cruel humer cause it makes me laugh when your not suposed to laugh, and it makes the book 12 times better.


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