chapter one- oh the games we play

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I wake up abruptly, shutting my eyes as soon as they open due to the bright light that huts them.

"She's waking up!" I hear a raspy unfamiliar male voice say.

I groan reopening my eyes realizing that these weren't my normal settings.

"where am I?" I mutter.

"We were hoping you knew, here sit up your back must be killing you." a girl a bit older then me with crazy red hair murmurs.

She helps me sit up as my vision clears up and I look around at my settings we seemed to be in a cellar type area with several other people. Eight to be exact.

"I'm Grace what's your name?" she asks

"Sam." I say a smile spreads across her face "Nice to meet you, we've been in here for about eight hours maybe longer we thought you were dead."

"eight hours?" I repeat

She nods her head "Funny thing is nobody remembers how we ended up here or what happened to them prior to them being here or even where here is." she says

"How are they?"

"The boy right there with the black slope like hair his name is Marcus."

I nod Marcus was well built and about 6'2, he had dirt on his jeans and was wearing a plaid shirt.

"Her right there with the brown straight hair her name is Emily she's sixteen."

Emily was petite and 5'3ish she had big green eyes. Her pink dress was torn and she was missing a shoe.

"Jake is the boy right there with the glasses hes seventeen."

Jake seemed like the nerdy type. He was scrawny nervous and biting his nails. He had on a button down shirt with a tie and cargo pants.

"Hes Alex and hes kinda not all together so I suggest staying away and hes nineteen."

Alex had crazy brown windswept hair and he was in the corner most likely plotting. He was also well built.

"Ashley is the girl with the pastel hair she's nineteen."

Ashley had light pink and lavender hair. She had on high-waisted shorts and a egg shell white crop top on along with converse.

"Ben is the African American boy next to her hes sixteen."

Ben had his hair cut short and was about 6'0 and he had on basketball shorts and a tank.

"the girl with a the brown and black curls is Hailey she's seventeen."

Like Ben she had dark skin but more of a Carmel brown. She had on black skinny jeans a pink v neck top and a studded leather jacket with some boots.

"Last but not least is Fawn she's fourteen."

Fawn had blonde almost white hair and pale skin her wide grey eyes gave her nervousness away. She had on jeans and a hoodie. Poor thing.

I stand up examine the room. "for some people who've been locked in a cell for eight hours minimum your really calm." I say to Grace who shrugs.

"You have to be in these situations."

"No we should be trying to escape!" Alex glares at Grace

I look towards the small window and motion towards Alex "come here and lift me up. "

He obliges and walks towards me lifting me by my waist making it so that I can see out the window.

I see a gate some trees and I realize were onto of a hill looking down towards my hometown St. Patricks. I immediately knew where we are.

"I know where we are. " I say as Alex put me into my feet and everyone's attention is on me.

"we're in Jackson's manor and a couple thousand miles from my hometown, this place has been known for creepy things but I thought they were all ghost tells ya know?"

"Like what?" Ben inquires

"Well there is supposedly-" I'm cut off by a piercing screech in my ears I let out a screech and fall to the ground holding my ears. Grace and Ben run to my aid but soon they are holding there ears crying in pain.

Everyone in the cell is going through this and soon it fades off and pulling my hands away from my ears I realize that they have blood dripping from them.

And in my head there's a voice.

"Welcome to My manor we will be playing a game. You will all being going through levels and like all games there are losers and then there are winners. But there can only be one true winner of my games and you will be awarded the chance of a lifetime if you accept it fine if you don't you will be killed off like the others. Each game will have rules that are pretty simple all you have to do is follow them not injure yourself or die. If you die you are technically the loser and everyone will proceed to the next level. The MVP as I like to call it of each level will get a secret advantage in the next level. You will find your rules to the first game ouside of the cell. Let the games begin."

The cellar door creaks open and we all stand up hesitantly

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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