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Have you ever wondered why people do the things that they did or will do? I have over and over again, from when my mother passed or of that terrible incident or of when I have to move to the other side of the country to just stay safe. Let's just say I was happy once, but since the move, I fully understand now what has become of my mother.

I was five years old when the general came baring the bad news. Before then I was a happy kid, carefree as you would say. The general came barging in our little establishment of entertainment and artistry, where the visitors of our little town come to drink booze, watch shows, and get tattoos. The general did not think twice about his position, disturbing the peace that was here, and bellowed out my father's name. His voice sounded of the gunshots and battleground at which he came from. My father emerged from the backroom/shop were people go to get some ink. Behind him was the cadaver, which did not look too impressed, that he was working on. We all know he was a cadaver because he did not speak, which is rather rude in these places. My father and the general exchange professional handshakes and proceed to sit down at the bar. My father was a showcase with artistry and tattoos running up and down his muscular legs and arms. I was quite proud of him because of the amount of markings, they show that he is the boss around here.

Being only five at the time I did not grasp the entire concept of why the general was here, all I knew was he took my mother away from this place, from me, especially from my father. I was not surprised that my father was not angry at the general for this, despite his threatening appearance with his dark feathers and ink. Some might think he was part of a merciless gang, selling drugs and killing others. But my father is the most gentle and forgiving person on the planet, another attribute I am proud of. I made my way to the bar where the two men sat, ignoring the hollers for me to join the others. I am counted as the human larva of this place, so they always come up to me and start swinging me around because I am so 'cute'. I finally made it the bar stool and progressed to climb up the steep steps. My father saw this, smiled, and wrapped his strong arm around me to pull me into his lap so I was closer to the conversation. The general broke off what he was saying to look at me. His eyes were that of daggers and sorrow though I did not understand why.

"Who is this?" he said his voice unwelcoming I did not like the way he was addressing to my father, so I growled in response. My father still answered despite this.

"This is Phoenix, my son" the general just stared in disbelief for a few seconds before answering.

"Your son's name is Phoenix?" he asked.

"Yes" My father replied.

"Strange name"

"Not strange, unique" the general stared, then continued on the important discussion they were having before I got here.

"Mister General, sir" I interrupted after a few minutes. He turned his head around to me a hint of annoyance in his eyes, I ignored this and went on. "Where is my mother?" he heisted and looked at my father. He nodded and then the general breathed in a deep breath before telling me the information that will take half my soul away.

"Boy" he said "your mother won't be coming home, she is gone" I didn't need to even ask why, because I knew. I knew that when I hear the loud piercing gunshots, that someone will fall down and never wake up. I didn't cry the information was unbelievable, my mother, my father's lover and wife, the tender women named Iris, was gone. Instead I let my blonde hair fall into my eyes. The general said his condolences and left, only then I let out my anguish through screaming, sobs, and tears. My father held me tight to his chest to muffle the pain from the others as small soundless tears ran from his eyes. But it was too late as the others watch in silent understanding, for they too had their fair share of suffering that comes with the loss of a loved one.

I guess after that my mother's family came to get me, then the abuse and accident came to pass, and my father fighting to have full custody of me. It just was an endless cycle and we were done with all the drama, so my father and I moved to California to start over and for me to start high school. This is where my healing begins, at the place which is well known for as an existing hell for teenagers.

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