part 1

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     * Am really sorry for the drastic changes in this story, the thing is I was a beginner when i first started writing, in other words, my writing used to be horrible for a teen like me. the story plot might or might not change, I might add or take away a few things, with new ideas come new inspirations, I truly, deeply, hope you like this new, well need it, reconstruction of: Forbidden. am open to everyone's opinion and criticism. don't forget to vote, share, and comment. :) *


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, feeling the strange sensation of something extremely cold running down my back. Thump. I found myself in the antarctic floor of my bedroom. "Johnny!!!!!!" I screamed to my little brother of 7, pulling myself up before I dashed behind him.

"You better run Jonathan, 'cause you are sure going to hell today!!!!!" I threatened him.

"Taylor, watch your language towards your brother. You know he is young, plus I asked him to wake you up." My mother defended that little walking demon as if he was a god or something.

"Mom. I hope you know he is not the angel you think he is," I stated my argument in the case. Almost every morning this would happen, and my mother being the lawyer she is, would always expect me to have a valuable excuse when it came to telling on my brother. In the end, I think you can pretty much guess who would win.

I swear sometimes I wish I was a little kid, anything to you is right or funny, but once you grow a little, BOOM! Everything you do is wrong, and adults find the perfect excuse to scold. However, when you try to defend yourself, they tell you to shut up and you end up grounded or in trouble. What is extremly funny to me though is that they seemed to have forgotten their times when they were our age......

"Sweety, you need to understand that he is just a kid all right. You were his age once too, remember? Plus you know better than to use that language under this room." She calmly replied while pouring some coffee into her mug.

"Yeah, I remember..... perfectly actually. Dad would always get home late, drunk like a grape, making noises in the kitchen to wake us up just to spit on our faces, and tell us how much he hated us. Well obviously, I would remember.... In fact, that is something I would never forget." With that I went back to my room to get ready for the day. I might sound cold or like a monster, but thats all I remember at the age of my brother. The story is rather long, so lets go with the shorter version.

Nathaniel Rocheli, rather known in my life as a big ball of crap, married my mother only god knows when. Everything was alright when I was a toddler, -or at least that is how my mother would tell the story. She never wanted me to think about my dad the way I do, so she technically made it her job to try to change his reputation in front of me. My father left us when I was nine, and mom had just found out she was carrying Johnny. Mom worked day and night, only stopping when I said so, well more like begged her to stop. We never received a call from my so call father.

A few months after she gave birth, Nathaniel appeared for the first time in almost a year, -if my memory serves me right. He tried to take me and my brother away from our mother, but fortunately, all of his threats died in just a few weeks. We thought we were finally Nathaniel free in our lifes, until he sold the house he and my mother bought together. He stole my mothers half of the money and left us sleeping under a bridge, literally. (Cross my heart and hope to die.) Mom then started working at a new law firm as an assistance to one of the lawyers there.... Which leads to now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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