Love Letters of Lies (Book 1 in Stories from the Past)

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Hi, I'm Gayle Featheryeld and I'm 16. I had a Facebook account until recently, so you can't add me or join my group- Directioners Forever- yes I'm a Directioner- which is irrelevant to my story but I just wanted to let you know...

My story begins ordinary. I'm a semi popular cheerleader at Budston High leaving my semi popular table in the cafeteria to go to my exceedingly popular activity- cheerleading practice. The reason I'm a semi geek, semi popular student is because of my participation. At cheerleading prac I am friends with all the most gorgeous popular girls- the only reason they let me hang out with them is because I'm supposedly 'beautiful', but only because Shelby, the head cheerleader's, boyfriend, Damien, said so. And the reason I'm semi geek is because of my OTHER club, SumItUp, which- yep, you guessed it- is for mathematicians like Helen, Veira and Greg. Plus, I'm in the High- Achievers program which downgrades my popularity- not like I care.

So anyway, as I was gliding to practice with Shelby, Mikayla and Chelsea my phone went off- its an iPhone 5 if you were wondering. I scooped it swiftly from my bag and read the notification:

Facebook: unknown sender- Hey! I'm Ryan. Tell me about yourself! <3 :*

Shelby of course looked over my shoulder and sighed," Ha! Good luck, Gayle!"

I roll my eyes, what she REALLY means is,' Pass him to me. I'll look after him!' But everyone, and I mean EVERYONE knows about Damien and Shelby so she'd be dropped easily.

I send him a message:

Hi Ryan. My names Gayle as you obviously know and I'm 16 and live in Florida- tell me about you!

Instantly I get a reply- wow, Facebook Frequent Messanger card, anyone?

Gayle. Cute name. I'm 18 and I live in London. I'm a guy (duh!) and well I'm in a band called Hunters of the Dark. I sing cos I suck and playing instruments! Ryan <3

Ryan. Thanks! I've never heard of Hunters of the Dark before! I sing too and play keyboard but I'm more of a soloist than a team member except for cheerleading that is... Do you play any sports?? And how did you find me??

Although I hear a noise to alert me he sent me another message I ignore it until prac is over. As I ride in the bus I check Facebook.

56 notifications- astonishing. I browse through them all and laugh at my friend Pipers post asking for my daily pic. I add a lolcats picture- iz likin myself on as well as another one with 'Coffee cannot fix this kind of tired.' I love lolcats. Anyway I check the message Ryan sent me, it said:

No prob. Yeah, we aren't very well- known, we auditioned for X Factor but got denied because of the five dudes from One Direction (that's why I'm not a fan!). That's cool. I play basketball and soccer. I bet you're an awesome cheerleader. I found you on that dating page- y'know Single Bingo?

Oh, right I joined Single Bingo when I got Facebook a few years ago so I could get an online boyfriend before anyone else. But I don't tell Ryan that.

I love 1D!!! Pity you don't. Although I don't know many guy Directioners except for Marko- but he's totally gay! I used to play netball but now it's only for younger kids. Thanks I bet you'd be an awesome mascot. Lol jokes! You aren't a mascot are you? Yeah, I remember Single Bingo- I joined recently. What's your full name?? Mines

I was about to type Gayle Brooke Featheryeld but my phone dies. Damn. Oh we'll, he can wait. It's movie night on Fridays and I get to pick. It's definitely going to be Dirty Dancing and What a Girl Wants (my two faves). I can't be bothered thinking anymore, it's Friday! So I pull out my iPod Touch (only 4th generation but I don't use it much) I listen to my fave song- Viva La Vida followed by Thank You:

That was when I ruled the world!

Next song

Yo! This one right here is for the drop- out- of- schoolers, the future cougars, the Mary Jane abusers, the ones that choose to be loser, for all the Misfit Kids and total outcasts MKTO. This one's for you role models!

Awesome at song ever! But live gets confusing with haters. You know, Beleibers, Directioners, Swifties and TWFs since I'm a Swiftie, Directioner and part of the TWF (The Wanted Family for you hermits out there) but I never take favourites. I've been to One Direction and Taylor Swift concerts, none of The Wanted ones though.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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