I'm not gay.

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(Note: this is a malexmale story, if you do not like gay or semi gay things please leave immediately. All hate mail or comments received will be deleted upon you sending it. To those who continue reading I will put a warning before and after smut scenes in case you would like to skip those parts. Thank you for reading this note ~ XxLuciferYourLordxX.)


"And I can't help because why?" You ask (Y/E/C)* blazing with anger as you stare Dean Winchester down, you were a hunter and a very good one at that. You had been hunting down what appeared to be a vampire nest when you suddenly ran into the last two people you ever wanted to see. Sam and Dean Winchester. It's not that you hated them, you just completely and totally fell head over heels for the oldest brother, Dean, who kept insisting as well as telling any one and everyone he wasn't interested in guys. Dean gives an aggravated sigh, running his hand across his face as he stares stubbornly back at you. "Well for one you nearly got killed the first time you went after the vamps and secondly because I said so." He says without hesitation and Sam glances over at you and Dean, concern etched into his expression. "Well I'm going to help wether you agree or not Dean! Besides it wasn't my fault the vamp almost had me! My gun went off on accident!" You yell at Dean, tired of him keeping you from doing your job. "Now can we please go back to the hunt?" You asked as you continued to clean out your favorite hand gun, not looking at Dean.
Sam sighs and raises an eyebrow at Dean. "Well you heard (Y/N)*, he isn't going to stand by, besides we can use all the help we can get." He says as he turns his attention back to his laptop. Dean glares slightly at Sam for not siding with him on wanting to keep (Y/N) away from the vamps nest. "Fine Sam." He says sharply as he goes back to the bed he was sitting on, continuing to clean his shotgun, now ignoring you. You scoff at Dean's immaturity and look back at Sam, who has a knowing smile on his face, raising an eyebrow you don't ask as you grab your favored machete to start cleaning off the vamps blood.
"So how did you come across the vampire nest anyways?" You ask as you sat down on one of the twin beds, looking between Sam and Dean as you continued cleaning your machete going to clean out one of your hand guns as well as you make sure there were no ammunition in the clip or any clip in the gun itself. "Well we technically didn't. We just happened to be in the town when Cas called us saying something about a bunch of people who have gone missing here and their bodies have been found, drained of all the blood. Speaking of which I'm going to run out for a bit to get some supplies and food. You guys want anything?" Sam asked as he shut his laptop, standing up and stretching. Dean hummed in thought then nodded quickly. "Pie. Bring me some pie!" He replied after half a second and you shook your head in response. "No I'm good, thanks though." You finally say as Sam looked at you.
"Okay well I'll be back in a little while. Try not to kill each other while I'm gone." Sam said then specifically looked at Dean. "Got it?" He asked and Dean nodded, rolling his eyes. "Yeah whatever bitch." He responded. "Good, jerk." Sam retorted right back at his brother before taking the Impala's keys and leaving the room. "(Y/N), did you finish cleaning your handgun yet?" Dean suddenly asked, stealing a glance at you as he placed his recently put-back-together shotgun onto the bed space next to him. "Hmm? Oh uh yeah." You replied softly, raising an eyebrow at the Winchester as you sat on the second bed then leaned back against the headboard of the motel bed. "Why do you ask?" Was the first question that pops out of your mouth, crossing your arms across your chest. Dean shrugged nonchalantly in return and toyed with his shotgun. "No reason." He replied finally and you huff in return, putting your feet onto the bed. "Then why did you ask? Or do you not know that either." You say bluntly and he chuckles softly, crossing then uncrossing, his arms as he stood up and walked around the bed to stand next to you with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Did you need anything Dean?" You asked when Dean when he opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut his mouth and clenched his jaw visibly with an almost audible snap. "Are you okay? Something else on your mind?" You ask again in an attempt to get Dean to say something or well anything would suffice but it seemed Dean was more focused on thinking of what to say next than actually replying to your questions. "I know you don't like when I argue with you and all but it would be nice if you would answer me Dean." You finally say in an almost teasing tone and he snapped out of whatever trance he was in with a cough. "Right, I don't like when you go against me but I guess I'll let that slide since I like you." He said in return then immediately coughed at realizing what he had said, spinning on his heel then started pacing the length of the room. "I uh you... I didn't mean that I uh...." Were the first words he muttered then quickly gave up on explaining at all and you laugh, standing then walking over to Dean with a smirk. "Oh yeah? Well I can say I like you too." You say at his confused expression and easily stand on your tiptoes to press a small chaste kiss to Dean's cheek. "So can we finish this case already?" You ask and he laughs, hesitantly wrapping his arms around your waist. "Well first yes and second, how long have you liked me?" He asked, wearing a half smirk now and you smirk back except yours is more shy than cocky like his is. "Well let's say a long time." Is your hesitant reply and he leans forward to plant a chaste kiss to your nose. "Fine you'll tell me eventually." He said and leaned down to kiss you oddly sweetly, kissing him back just as oddly sweetly you reluctantly pull away to rest your forehead against his. "So what does that make us?" You whisper, noticing his eyes were a lot greener up close and personal which causes Dean to chuckle when he notices you staring. "Well I would like to take you out on a uh date sometime. If that's okay with you?" He stated, sounding more questioning than anything and you laugh. "Hmm okay. I wouldn't mind going on a date with you first Dean Winchester." You say and smile at his almost shy/hesitant state, causing a smirk to reappear on Dean's face. "Good. We'll go after we finish this hunt." He said as if finalizing the statement and oddly enough you end up staring at each other until Sam had showed up with a 'I told you so' smirk/grin on his moose face. "I knew-" he started to say before Dean had cut him off. "Don't you dare say it." He had cut in which caused Sam to give his older brother one of his infamous bitch faces and roll his eyes. "Whatever, jerk." "Bitch." Is Dean's immediate retort and you roll your eyes, laughing quietly at the brothers. "So anything on that vampires nest?" Is all you ask instead, smirking a bit.

*(Y/E/C)= Your eye color. *(Y/N)= Your name.
Authors note: Also Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! XD anyways this my first time writing fan fiction so yeah ^-^ it's decent. Sorry if it gets confusing or is too short xD. Hopefully I'll get better at writing and have more written. :3 Oh and this was probably posted at 1 am on Christmas morning Sooo XD don't ask why I'm still awake. Lol.

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