Sehun's Boyfriend

701 39 10

Date: April 12, 2013

Time: Around 6:00 pm

Place: Sehun's House or the Oh's Family Residence

If they weren't cousins, Jongup doubt Sehun would invite him on his birthday. Among all cousins, they were probably most awkward with each other even though they have the same age. They actually have a lot of common interests and similarities, so it's weird that they don't get along well, but that's just how they are.

Jongup saw the familiar faces of Sehun's friends during the birthday party. Heck, he could get along well with Sehun's friends than Sehun himself which is really weird. Then he saw an unfamiliar face who started talking to him. They got involved deeper in their conversation, getting to know each other and enjoying each other's company until Sehun interrupted them.

"Dinner is about to start." Sehun announced. The unfamiliar person walked to the dining room first. Jongup was about to follow when Sehun spoke to him. "It's really weird seeing you getting along with my friends and even with my boyfriend, but we can't seem to click with each other."

"Yeah." Jongup agreed and then an awkward silence surrounded them. They broke the silence with an awkward laugh.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Sehun walked fast to the dining room, escaping the awkward scene first.

When Jongup entered the dining room, the unfamiliar person who turned out to be Sehun's boyfriend instantly stood beside him. "You and Sehun are looked so adorable being all awkward with each other." After saying that, he moved to take a seat beside Sehun.

Jongup sat a few seats away from Sehun. He sat among his other cousins and Sehun's friends whom he was much comfortable with. It was during dinner that he found out that name of Sehun's boyfriend is Himchan and that Himchan's is actually in his 2nd year in university and that the other people in Sehun's birthday party are actually Himchan's university friends.

Jongup and Sehun were still 2nd year highschool students, so he wondered how Sehun ended up having a boyfriend who is already a university student. There were a lot of questions in Jongup's head that he didn't dare ask as he was afraid that he might make Sehun more awkward, and he wouldn't dare to ask Himchan either even though they got along so well a while ago.

Jongup decided to leave the party early because he feels that with his presence, Sehun wouldn't be able to completely relax and enjoy the party. He pulled Sehun to the side to tell Sehun in private that he would be leaving first.

Sehun sighed as he understood why Jongup would be leaving first. "I really hope one day we can stop being awkward. We're bloody related after all."

"Yeah... one day..." Before the awkward silence could stretch, Jongup gave Sehun a brief yet awkward hug before leaving.

Jongup was already on the street ouside Sehun's house when he heard someone calling his name. He turned around and saw Himchan running outside the house and towards him.

Himchan was holding a Tupperware. "Sehun felt too awkward to give it to you and asked me to do it instead. It's just a few slices of his birthday cake. He said you should take some home."

"If he gave it to me himself, I bet I would feel too awkward accepting it." Jongup chuckled and took the Tupperware from Himchan.

For a moment their hands touched, Jongup felt goosebumps on his skin and electricity running underneath his skin. Then his heart started beating fast in an abnormal rate.

"Thank Sehun for me and thank you too." Jongup hoped he sounded normal because he was a nervous wreck inside. He doesn't like what he was feeling. He doesn't want to be forming a stupid crush on his cousin's boyfriend, so he had to leave now.

"Yeah, I'll tell him that."

Jongup should have left, but it looked like Himchan wanted to say something else and Jongup's feet just weren't being very cooperative with his brain, but maybe it was a good thing that he didn't leave right away because he received a forehead kiss from Himchan.

"Goodnight, Jongup." Himchan turned around and went back inside the house to his boyfriend's birthday party.

Jongup touched his forehead and wondered what the heck was that about. He didn't know that inside the house Himchan was touching his lips and wondering what that was about. Not just the forehead kiss, but also the strange but lovely sensation when their hands touched. Jongup doesn't know that Himchan had felt it too.

"Did you give it to Jongup?" Sehun asked.

Himchan quickly moved his hand away from his lips, feeling guilty. "Yeah. He said thank you."

On the way home, Jongup reminded himself that Himchan was his cousin's boyfriend.

During the party, Himchan reminded himself that he already has a boyfriend.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~* To be continued...

A/N: It's a start of something.... hehehe... comments please? Tell me what you think~

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