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All of them have telekinese


Baekhyun is a vampire elementalist
Power: Water and strength

Chanyeol is a vampire elementalist

Chen is a vampire elementalist
Power: make more of himself

D.O. is a vampire elementalist
Power: Fire and strength

Kai is a vampite elementalist

Lay is a vampire elementalist
Power: Heal and speed

Sehun is a vampire elementalist
Power: teleport

Suho is a vampire elementalist
Power: telepathy and time

Xiumin is a vampire elementalist
Power: Mind reading and flight and earth

Tao is a wampire elementalist
Power:earth and strength

Sorry guys luhan and kris is out of exo thats why they are not in the itroduction sorry ya all mianhe

EXO,SNSD,BTS and F(x)(Vampire love story)Where stories live. Discover now