Chapter 1

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Black, curly hair slightly reveals a furrowed, sad face. Darting blue eyes, set well within their sockets, watch watchfully over the dreaded wasteland of demolished buildings she once called home. This is the face of Rebecca Wells, a true survivor of the shitstorm the apocalypse brought.

What was once a t-shirt is now nothing more than pieces of fabric held barely together, it hangs from her shoulders like a discarded old towel.
A big chunk of fabric has been torn from the left side, and tied around her right arm due to an injury during a knife fight with a raider, and there are holes and tears all over, leaving much of her exposed to the elements.
She's wearing a scraggy poncho over her t-shirt. It smells, it's dirty and full of stains, but at least it helps her stay protected from the wind, even if only for a little.
Her pants have seen better times as well. There are holes all over the right side and what's left is covered in stains. But at least she has shoes to protect her feet. Although they're murky, a size too small and the soles are falling apart, letting in dirt and rocks under her feet.
She wears a scarf around her neck and has it wrapped around her face in a way that covers the chin. It's old and worn, but otherwise in a good condition. Her messy black hair is covered by a beanie, there was once a small pom pom on the top, but all that's left now is a small piece of yarn.

What was once a wide avenue that led to Aeberuthey was barely discernible through the weeds and grasses that had reclaimed it. Random pieces of long forgotten possessions litter the roads and wild, overgrown gardens within this town.

Some doorways seemed in relative decent condition while others were destroyed and were indistinguishable from other collapsed walls and piles of rubble. Broken cars and rusty pieces of metal littered some of the larger driveways, stripped from all but their most useless parts.

Aeberuthey, once a major hub for new businesses and young families had become a forgotten relic of the past. The sounds of insects, winds and creaking wood of trees which were once drowned out by the sounds of cars and people had returned as the dominant sounds once more.

The art gallery was once the cultural pride and joy of this town and tourists flocked to see the art displayed here. Now it was home to a flock of doves who've destroyed most art pieces in their ignorance of what it once meant to so many people.

It was a strange feeling to be in the footsteps of so many lives now long forgotten and not knowing what became of the people who once spent their lives here. While this town was no longer home to the families that lived here, it was now home to brainless, undead corpses that roamed the earth.

Rebecca grabs her weapon of choice. Which, in this case, was a solid compound crossbow which has been efficiently constructed of sturdy hickory. Its string is made from pristine boar hide, it's a rare material to get ahold of.

The limbs have been decorated with large animal horns and end in slight curves ornamented with thin glowing ribbons. The stock is wrapped in fur and decorated with tribal paintings.

The bulky quiver is made from soft hide and is supposed to be worn around the archer's back. The outer side has been decorated with feathers, which may be related to previous victories.

In the hands of any archer this bow is capable of firing arrows up to 145 meters while still retaining lethal power.

The lone woman packed her little bit of supplies into an old worn down backpack, strapping a holster to her thigh and putting her knife into the pocket safely, clipping it in. She slings a rifle over her shoulder and heads out in search of a knew place to stay.

She held her loaded crossbow in her hands as she wondered down the messy streets, avoiding the dead ones as best she can. The large city was surrounded by forest. She makes her way in and out of old, barely standing stores, gathering what she found to be useful before leaving and moving to the next.

The world went to shit almost 4 years ago. Rebecca wanted so badly for the world to return to how it was before, even though nothing could change what happened to her in the little time she had in this life. When she stopped and thought about it, she was scared she wouldn't know how to survive in a world like before. She's been alone for so long, she thinks she's going insane. Would she even be able t talk to people in the old world?

The woman was nearing twenty-eight now. Or she was already twenty-eight, she didn't know. Time, dates, years, it didn't matter in this world. All that mattered now, was surviving. And dammit, she was going to survive, no matter what it took. She wasn't going to let the world beat her.

Once she was sure she cleared out everything useful from the stores, she left the area. making her way to the edge of town where the forest took over. Upon entering, she found the forest was endless, dense, and verdant. Its canopy was monopolized by spruce, hemlock, and sequoia, and twinkling lights bursting through their crowns allowed for a plethora of sprouts to rule the stony grounds below.

Careful of anything that could be hiding, she walked on, the enchanting forest enveloping her in a feeling of unease. She knew if she didn't leave the small apartment she had been staying in, she would be caught and killed. Or worse. Rebecca has been being hunted down for three years now, keeping her on her toes and constantly running.

She looks around her, thick climbing plants clung to a couple of trees, and a range of flowers, which blossomed brightly, protruded from the otherwise singular color of green scenery.
A variation of animal noises, most belonged to varmint, added life to the forest, and were accompanied by the splashing of fish in a nearby lake. The area became quieter and quieter the deeper in she went. A little too quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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