Meeting Her Again

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Step one you say we need to talk,

He walks, you say "sit down it's just a talk",

He smiles politely back at you,

You stare politely, right on through,

-How to Save a Life, The Fray

"Why haven't you made your move yet?" He asked.

"Give me some time, I'm still nervous." I replied.

"It's been 3 months for Christ sake and you have yet to say hello to her. What makes you think Crystal will ever date you if you guys have never even spoken?"

I sighed loudly. Explaining love to Darren was impossible. It was like explaining the Big Bang theory to a 2 year old. He just wouldn't understand.

Crystal is by far the hottest girl in our form. Quite literally the gem of our class, 3A, she's gifted in almost every way possible. She's drop-dead gorgeous, she has an amazing body, her singing voice is angelic, and she has diplomas for 2 musical instruments : violin and piano. Whenever she performs for school events, be it dancing, singing, speech and drama or anything else, her grace blesses the eyes of all watching.

Darren is my best friend. He's pretty much clueless about everything, especially anything love related. He's quite good looking, and he used to play badminton at state level, but eventually quit because he was fed up of it. He loves first-person shooter video games, which is like the elephant glue that keeps us together.

"Class is starting soon. Who do you think we'll be paired up with?" He asked.

"I dunno, but one thing's for sure, I really really wanna sit with Crystal," I replied.

Darren snorted. The clock was about to strike 7:30 as Jonathan ran into class, out of breath. Right as he sat down, the bell rung for homeroom period to begin.

"Early as usual, aren't you?" I asked sarcastically.

"At least I'm here. Better late then never," he retorted.

Jonathan, Darren and I are best friends. The three of us are like a PB&J sandwich. You can split us up, but we're just not complete without each other.

Jonathan is a rather skinny fella. He's really tall, and he's good in all types of strategy games. He has an extreme displeasure of first-person shooters for some unbeknownst reason. He's a well-known red house athlete who usually takes home the silver medal every sports day for the 100M and 200M events.

Everyone sat on the edge of their seats. Who could possible be our homeroom teacher this year? We were lucky the past 2 years, getting lazy homeroom teachers so we never had to keep our class clean and all that crap. Everyone was praying that we would be lucky and we'd get a nice, friendly, lazy one, but we'd run out of luck. The teacher that walked in had us all sighing and groaning.

As she walked into class, everyone just stared horrendously at our new homeroom teacher. Murmurs could be heard from every direction. Of all the teachers, we had gotten her. As it was the first day, we didn't have a monitor to call for the class to stand, so we just sat at our places and lowered our voices as we talked.

"Isn't this that psycho teacher that beats students for not performing well in her classes?" Darren whispered to me.

"Yeah, it is," I replied under my breath.

"I heard she hit a student till he bled sometime last year," Jonathan muttered.

"Hello students. My name is Miss Pauline. As you can obviously tell, I will be your homeroom teacher for this school year," she said aloud, her voice resonating across the classroom. "You all know the drill. Get up on your feet and stand in the front of the class while I arrange your seating positions."

We packed our things up and started moving. Once everyone was done, she started arranging the students into their seats. Nothing much happened at first, really. Some giggles, a few whispers, thoughts of the seating positions. Most of the couples were lucky and got to sit together.

"Group 5: Darren, Debbie, Crystal and Jack. Get to your seats now," Miss Pauline declared.

I nudged Darren and winked at him. He elbowed me in the gut and told me to can it. The poor lad had as good a chance dating Debbie as I had with Crystal.

Feeling a little discouraged, as I didn't get the chance to sit with my "dream girl", I lowered my bag onto my foot and lay my back against the whiteboard. "Only 3 groups left," I muttered to myself. I wonder, who I could be seated with?

"Group 6: Sean, Joshua," Crap. That guy. The stuck up rich snob that thinks he owns the world. Joshua and I have a bad history together. The students started whispering amongst one another. Miss Pauline stopped, looking impatient as she waited for everyone to settle down. "Thank you for finally shutting up. Now I'll finish with this group's members. Group 6: Sean, Joshua, Carmen and Jessica."

Bloody hell. I could already feel my cheeks turning red. The students started murmuring, some of them with shocked expressions plasters across their faces. "Sean and Jessica? No way they're sitting together," I heard someone whisper a tad bit too loud.

Reluctantly, I picked my bag up off my feet and dragged myself into my new seating position. Joshua sat across me. No doubt him and Carmen would sit together, since they were dating. So that left Jessica to sit on my right.

Her cheeks looked as red as a pomegranate. I could feel all the eyes in class on the both of us. We weren't that big of a thing, were we? She gently put her bag onto the chair next to me, and sat down quietly, her dark brown eyes darting around the class, looking for something to distract her.

As Miss Pauline continued to shoot out names, I looked at Darren and he gave me a puzzled look. " What in bloody hell should I do?" I mouthed.

"Beats me," he mouthed back. "My hands are tied here with Debbie too, in case you forgot."

As I lay back down in my chair, I turned to catch a glimpse of Jessica, back facing me, still looking around for her best friend to come "save" her. Her chocolate brown hair was as long as it used to be, stopping just where her skirt starts. She still used the same shampoo as she used to, and even put on the same perfume as last time. I gathered up all the courage I could muster, and broke the silence between us.

"Hey, Jessica..." I said, a little nervous to hear her reply.

"Hey, Sean," She replied, with that quirky smile plastered across her face.

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