Chapter 7: Bad News

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Pulling up to the pack house, I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I'm not going to like what I hear. Hopping off my back I rush into the house and the first thing I notice is how quiet it is. Upon further inspection I see the house is empty.
"Not good" Star mutters with all of us agreeing. I take the stairs following Xavier scent and it leads me to his office. I knock and wait for his response.
"Come in" he says, taking a calming breathe I twist the knob before slowly opening the door. Meeting Xaviers eyes I watch as a bunch of emotions past through anger being the most prominent before he quickly pulls them in and goes neutral.
"Please come in and take a seat" he says. Slowly making my way to the chair I take a seat before crossing my arms over my chest.
"How was the mission?" he ask.
"Fine" I reply.
"Everything go off accordingly?" he ask and I quirck my brow at that since he knows I always succeed in my duty without a hitch.
"Lets quit with the questioning and jump straight to the point shall we" I say leaning forward as he sighs.
"Look I'm sorry I tried everything I could but the council wouldn't hear of it" he rushes out.
"What exactly are you sorry for" I ask confused.
"You know how there has been an increase in rogue attacks?" He ask and I nod yes to his question.
"Well apparently they attacked a pack and in the process killed almost half of there pack along with destroying there packhouse" he says looking at my intently.
"Okay so what they want us to train the pack and help with the rogues" I say trying to figure out what he is telling me.
"Well yes but also they have to come here to stay until there packhouse gets fixed" he says.
"Okay I don't see a problem with that I mean we have plenty of room, so why the urgency and why did you clear out the house to tell me this" I say and after a second of silence it clicks.
"Unless your telling me its who I think it is which it better not be" I say standing.
"I really am sorry Ro I tried everything but the council just wouldnt listen. I refused when the alpha called but then I got the call from the council" he says.
"Fuck no this is absolute bullshit" I spit out as my eyes flush a deep red.
"After everything those filthy mutts put me through and they want me to train them are they mad" I yell getting angrier by the second.
"I understand your mad but think of it like this you can get your revenge. You can show then your not that girl anymore. You are a totally different person now" he states trying to reason with me.
"When do they arrive" I ask through clenched teeth.
"In a few hours" he states solemnly and with that one statement I use my vamp speed and race out of his office. He knows not to follow which is a good thing to because I would hate to fight my alpha. Changing into some work out clothes I make my way to our state of the art gym. Turning on some music I blare it up and get to work on letting out my angry. Hopefully it'll help and i wont need to kill anyone by the time I have to face them.
Alpha Xaviers P.O.V
After she took off I knew not to follow because although I may be the alpha I also know she could kick my ass or worse kill me. I felt like shit knowing I couldn't do anything but I tried refusing and the council was not having it. Calling all the pack members back I know there concerned for her but I also know they know not to mess with her.
I hear the sound of a knock on the door.
"Come in" I say and watch as Javi my beta and my beautiful mate Emma comes in. Next to me they are closest with Ro.
"Judging by the blaring music coming out of the gym I'm guessing things didn't go to well" Javi says.
"You think, we'll be lucky if she doesn't try killing them" I state.
"They would deserve it" Emma says coming next to me and I pull her to me needing to calm my wolf. Ro is like a sister to me and I hate the fact the I have to welcome the people who caused her all this pain into our pack house. I couldn't agree more with Emma they do deserve whatever Ro has in store for them. The next few hours consist of us preparing for there arrival. I'm currently in my office going over same papereork.
"I'll do it not because I want to but because it is my duty as the guardian of all wolves" Ro says through the mindlink.
"Thank you" I say. My shoulders sagging in relief from the tension I hadn't realised I was holding.
"Alpha the Blood Moon pack are arriving" Javi says suddenly through the pack link.I
"Ok I'll be there in a moment" I say.
"There here, you good" I ask Ro through the mindlink.
"Yeah give me a couple minutes and I'll be down," she says cutting me off. I make my way down the stairs and to the front door with my pack members following closely behind as we make our way ouside. We're all on alert and tense knowing we have to face the assholes that hurt our Ro.

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