Chapter 3 (pic of Kopa and Kiara)

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"Uncle?!" Said Koda, running over to join the conversation.

"Yes." Said Kopa.

"Kiara, who is this rouge!" Said Simba seeing his son and not knowing.

"Father!" Said Kopa running to Simba and nuzzling him. Simba's eyes filled with tears as he had finally found his long lost son, who he thought was dead.

Kovu roared at Kopa in anger. Kopa looked at Kovu and bared his teeth. Kopa pounced on Kovu and bit his back, drawing blood. Kovu hissed in pain and bucked Kopa off. Kovu pinned Kopa and swiped his jaw.

"Stop!!" Yelled Kiara. "Kovu, he's my brother, not my mate!"

Kovu had guilt written all over his face.

"Mummy, how could you not tell us we had an uncle!" Screamed Leah angrily starting to cry. Leah ran away. Asha ran after her.

"Leah's right. That was cold, mum." Said Koda running after his sisters.

"Oh, great! Now my cubs hate me and I have my brother and my mate fighting!" Kiara yelled stressed out. Kiara started to cry and ran away.

Kiara was in the jungle when she saw Kopa run up next to her.

"What happened back there? It was a bit dramatic." Said Kopa.

"Listen, Kopa!! What's your problem?! You come into MY pride thinking you can just take over?!" Screamed Kiara.

"Well, it should be MY pride anyway. I was first in line!!!!!!" Shouted Kopa.

"YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!!!" Yelled Kiara.

"If that's how you really feel." Said Kopa walking away.

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